Going For it (2+)

Supernaut 14

The idea for this is fairly straight forward I wanted to play fast advance not in PD and audacity seemed a good way to get that train rolling. After testing I have settled on this, the audacities are good for keeping a fast tempo and using Sportsmetal's ability to refill your hand for the next turn helps you stay on top.

The agenda suite is simple, you can score all of these from hand with a little setup, letting the runner steal megaprix gives you more cards and credits which really comes in handy. The offworld office is a good way to stay ahead on credits with several fast advance tricks. Ikawah is nice to have as it defends itself and is value to grab those final points after scoring the smaller agendas. Luminal is just great and an early score can win the game letting you rocket ahead with cards and setup.

Assets are basic you just get the value when you can, wage workers should often be hidden till it is needed for the combo as most runners won't let it stick around for long so defending it is a good idea. Two remotes is how I typically set it up with a wage workers ready for one and the agendas for the other with tranquility to keep the game flowing.

Operations are straightforward you play audacity for the quick score and use the ID ability to draw 2 to keep your options open, Red Level Clearance I mostly used as draw two gain a click so if you want to include Sprint that would work just fine too but I often aimed for more cards rather than filtering them. Biotic labor lets you mix and match with audacity for scoring to keep things more flexible than needing just them to score.

Upgrades speak for themselves tranquility provides value and Vovo saves money, mavirius is hard to leave home without.

Ice is the deck's weak point, our ice is not great and we do not have a whole lot of it so you have to be careful where you place it and when. Often centrals will be weaker which is unfortunate given this deck is weak to R&D pressure but the remotes can be more weakly defended as you rarely place anything that can't be scored right then. Rezzing gatekeeper can fix your hand up which is always a nice feeling but it is best saved for the surprise got-ya to protect a high value asset or hand.

The combo typically goes thusly: The 3 counter agenadas can be scored from hand with just audacity or a biotic labor, this can close out a game with megaprix or jump start it with Luminal. Wage workers does little to help these agendas so if its off the board you always have these,

Off-Off: Wage workers does help score this one so if its out you can quickly snap up some points with install, biotic, triple advance, wage workers action, advance score. But we have other tricks up our sleeves here. Install biotic advance twice and audacity for a non-wage workers score. Double biotic will also give you a score as a last resort type of play. If you need some cards you can with wage workers do, greasing the palm, biotic labor, RLC (draw 2 gain a click) wage workers click, and quad advance. Works to get that last credit you might need too, those thin margins can matter sometimes.

Ikawah: The final play, the big touchdown, the double going for it into the endzone on turn 16, Closing out the game with this agenda is the best to get it done as it gives almost no forward temp, unless you score just casually over two turns because the runner has nothing. Wage workers is a big helping hand, install, biotic, triple advance, wage workers, audacity. Without it, you need two biotics following a similar pattern, install, biotic, biotic, triple advance, audacity. That last scenario is much harder to find but it can be done if you really need it. Withe wage works you can greasing the palm, double biotic, to get the 5 you need as another way to pull it off.

This deck has been a lot of fun so give a spin, I have no doubt someone will come with a better way to get it done but my desire to play Sports outweighed my desire to play the best ID for it. Just hope a troll doesn't eat your goblin ball carrier, which I guess in this case is imp killing audacity.