[STARTUP] Androgynous Hottie Found Their Femme Fatale!

harmonbee 809

The androgynous hottie finally found their true Femme Fatale in “Pretty” Mary da Silva, a card that I was excited to play due to... reasons. I brought this to the Netbrummers Startup Tournam3nt, for which I was also the TO, and came 8th (of 12). My Corp was Sisyphus Restoring Humanity.

This deck aims to bypass everything and take triple accesses via your identity + Pretty on R&D and Docklands Pass on HQ. Amelia Earhart then lets you capitalise on this by dunking the corp into money sad hell if you don't win off all your triple accesses.

In the previous Androgynous Hottie deck, I said that the deck was better with breakers. Here I wanted to instead try Malandragem as a remote tool: when combined with Inside Job you can get through a 2-3 ice remote at threat 4 (power counter ability for one ice and the remove from game ability for the other). Physarum Entangler also helps here. I'm not 100% convinced that it removes the need for breakers, but it certainly helps.

Privileged Access was there to recur economy resources and purged Physarium. I never drew a Physarium on the day so it felt not great, and I think the chance of you being truly locked out without Privileged Access is low so I would cut it. An Eru Ayase-Pessoa would probably be nice.

The deck went 1-2. I won one game vs AceEmpress' RH by simply stealing from R&D (with Amelia ready to fire if I didn't find enough points), and lost two games against Personal Evolution by dying to Punitive. I should have forced more rezzes in those games, and not trashing Charlotte (protected by ice) was a terrible idea. I'm not convinced this is a great matchup for Merc, regardless.

The deck is probably solid, but needs some work. Regardless, I continue to deliver what the people want, if by the people you mean those that want Androgynous Hottie decks.

8 Apr 2024 SeaRose

We the people demand more

♡´-✧☾.°˖✧♡ ✧ Androgynous ✧ Hottie ✧ Decks ✧ ♡✧˖°.☾✧-´♡