Looping Neurospikes [2nd @ Djillong District]

Kror 64

3-0 in Swiss, 1-1 in Top Cut

This is Dies to Open Decklists with two minor changes -

The addition of the Data Loop was not the most impactful thing on the day - It forced a Hush install, but was otherwise inconsequential - but in testing I found it created interesting changes to the runner's lines towards safe stealing.

The other changes (which was effectively a shuffle to turn the Magnet into a Mavirus) were partly a read on the local meta and partly a comfort pick - I expected myself to be the only Mulch player and vs Arissana (An ID I was expecting to see in the hands of strong players) I prefer being able to purge the Physarum Entangler

Deck performed as expecting, placing pressure on the runner to find solutions quickly with the ever looming threat of the game just ending in a turn or two.

Highlight of the event was in round 6 of swiss vs @Xyceres- Bottoming my entire hand, including one Neurospike, with Reeducation to reduce the runner's hand enough that if I draw the other Neurospike I could flatline (It was approximately a 60% chance between the Neurospike and Sudden Commandment left in the deck). Very hype moment, and Cheers to @Xyceresfor being a good sport about it.

Perhaps next event, should I decide to continue with this deck, it might not betray me in the finals.

23 Feb 2025 F3nr1s

Barriers Cringe, stop bullying innocent Crew-Charm players! :P