Always Be Delivering .6.5

donttalknojive 103

Still a WIP.

The first few versions of this deck have been fast, punishing, and aggressive. But due to its compostion there was no real recursion or redundancy. Marcus Batty or Keegan Lane meant your running career was finished.

Major Changes to this Version: -1 ABR -3 desperado +3 deja vu +3 logos

The ABR had to go to make room for the clone chips which also required me to rethink Desperado. Logos seems like a really nice way to help the package at this point. 4 install is reasonable for this deck, + hand size is valuable for further drug dealing, and the tutor will come in handy to pull out the missing pieces as the game develops and smooth those cases where you have almost everything and have to slow down too much. Deja Vu has turned out to be slightly more valuable than Clone Chip because of SoT being able to recur the Dejas when things get really rough. Also a 3 include vs. a 2 makes it more reliable.

I feel like the deck needs more threats but I'm not sure how to fit them in. I would like R&D pressure, but I fear I need to settle for HQ and Remotes. Still debating if running 3x Account Siphon is even worth it.

Here is what I found in testing other versions:

Previous Version Pros: Faust and ABR with e3 makes the deck very expensive to keep out, especially if they're spreading resources thinly to stave off security testing/dirty laundry runs. e3 also rounds out the efficiency of central breakers and Peacock (included to better handle Turing). With a good economic start, the pressure just never stops. Drug Dealers provide faust food, card draw, and damage protection. Data Dealer can provide economic swing in dire straights or turn a Shi.kyu or News Team into tempo.

Previous Version Cons: Extreme vulnerability to rig-sniping. High variance. Low funds until econ-rig combo pieces have been assembled (ideal: Security Testing, Desperado, Public Terminals). HQ focused strategy. Sometimes Crash Space is better, others Fall Guy. Lack of strong late game threats.

7 Jan 2016 sod_timber_wolf

I think dropping one Logos should work out fine. In contrast to Desperado you don't need it Turn 1-3 but more somewhere near mid-game. I think dropping to 2 Déjà Vu and getting a The Maker's Eye would be fine. I am actually not convinced Logos works so well with Ken, though. I would strongly suggest adding a Sneakdoor Beta and at least one, maybe 2 Emergency Shutdown to keep punishing the corp. Otherwise I always feel like Ken falls too far behind mid-late game. You could get rid of Early Bird, which I think is the weakest run event in your deck. Dropping Logos and a Déjà Vu for 2 Desperado should also work, Desp is just so good. I played a bit around with Doppelgänger and Three Steps Ahead to punish asset spam decks, which are just difficult to deal with though I would recommend taking some Bank Job as well for that (3Steps, Doppelganger, SecTest, Bank Job is absurd amount of money).

7 Jan 2016 donttalknojive

Early Bird is a free extra click run to satisfy ABR. Which is also nice when you have to use ABR to break, leaving you with a decent two-click turn afterwards. Logos hasn't been performing as well as Desperado, but Three Steps Ahead is a non-bo with this deck seeing as it's a priority event. Doppelganger isn't a horrible idea, but I think an early Logos or Desperado are going to be 100% better. Also I strongly disagree with Bank Job after testing it. It's too expensive for this deck to break into remotes. It's 2 clicks + some creds, and normally 2-4 cards + some creds. That's not really a good conversion with click + cred install, and run click for 8 credits. If I'm running a remote at all, I really need to get in there.