Nobody expects the milan inquisition! (4-0@GNK Torino 2023)

Drager 337

The Milan meta took a different route on the Sillymodernism deck that swept the Swiss national changing the Snares for a pet card.

The result are this deck (that went 4-0) and the Newsmodernism from Mr Pelle that went 3-1 (the only loss was a 2 minute time-limit match that saw the runner acess an Project Atlas for the 2 points needed for the win)

And let me tell you.. the faces of my opponents when they access the News Team, in archives or in a open remote installed as a fake Spin Doctor.

Milan Inquisition

The card stopped almost everyone from winning during the day, giving precious time to score the last Regulatory Capture and/or Hostile Takeover for the win.

The game plan is the same as every Outfit deck:

If you manage to have the first, and/or the second condition, you can put on your slippers (or as they say in Turin "stai in ciabatte!") and win in 2-3 turns later. Warning: Early RnD Multiaccess can be the downfall for this deck, but news team is there also to slow them down!

During the GNK I scored wins against Esâ, Apex. Hoshiko and Khumalo

Shout-out to @MrPelle for the big support and testing, @atien, @Porkobolo for the logistics, @Berzelius for the event organization and @Darta for the tour before the tournament, as usual Turin is one of the most welcoming meta!

See you in Padova and in Milan for the upcoming tournaments!