Minelayer Midori

pierrealain.keyser 7

This is a fun, runner frightening deck, that lays lots of cheap ices on the table.

The goal is to play as a never-advance deck, ie install agenda, upgrade and asset, and DON'T advance them the same-turn. The next turn or later, you should advance them exactly 3 times. By the way, SanSan City Grid allows you to score a NiseiMKII. Furthermore a 3 times advanced but not scored asset is frightening, because it may be an almost ready Ronin, a deadly Junebug, or an agenda. A non advanced asset is frightening, because it may be a snare, an edge of world, a SanSan, an agenda, or Jackson Howard himself.

So don't be afraid to drop an agenda on a empty server, and let it on the table for a time.

They are many tricks possible with this deck. An expensive one if to defend a remote server with Eli1.0 followed by a minelayer, play a SanSan. Next turn, fast advance a braintrust (to increase the stress of the runner), or a Gila (to enable a surprise Midori-Archer combo, and to gain more credits). Then drop an Edge Of World, and spend the rest of the turn making credits. The runner will want to run, especially if you are rich enough, just to wreck himself in a lovely trap. You will need a lot of money, but it's really fun when it lands.

An over-advanced braintrust, may allow cheapper ice rezz, but is not a necessity, as you will have enough credits most of the time. It migth be better to score it as soon as you can.

Cards are best played : - minelayer : great on HQ, RD, fun on remote. - egnima, on RD, swap it later with something nastier once yog0 is out. When yog is out, may feed an edge of world. - neural katana, on RD or HQ, just behind a chum, or lay as a surprise with midori - archer, best layed with midori, i actually enjoy putting one on archives if the runner plays with datasucker, it's a bit an unexpected move, but might really blow the runner, and you have enough ice to allow this. - cell portal, only with taxating ice, like neural katana, eli, chum. Best played as a midori surprise. It may stay unrezzed most of the time, mimicing an archer, or just to feed and edge of world, only rezz it when it'll hurt your opponent. - a sensei is fun on a big stack of ices (4 or 5), even better if you haven't play the install cost. - wall of thorns, where it might surprise the runner ... Do not rezz, if you are not rich enough to trigger yours traps.

Minelayer allows you to drop a lot of ices, and midori let you play the funniest "combo" and mindtrick, ie. a chum in front of an ice wall, the runner don't bother to break it, OK, midori let you swap the ice wall with something that might scare the runner to jackout, lot's of fun garanted with CellPortal and more than 5 credits in hands.

One big problem is that account siphon will murder you, so defend your HQ with cheap ETR at first, then taxating ices, ELI1.0 is the best here, as it plays both role.

Expose effect will be bothering, but that's the case for any trap deck...

Note : pardon my poor english, it's not my native language. Mala tempora isn't yet availlable here, otherwise i would have fitted an unorthodox prediction somewhere.