Space Delivery (Spring Kit Winner)

Wrecko 499

This is the corp deck I took for my first Netrunner tournament victory (9 players). It went 2-2 losing to Val and Whizzard while winning against Leela and Kim. Fortunately, my Reina deck went undefeated and I was able to win on strength of schedule.

I like decks that disrupt what the opponent is doing. Door to Door is a card that I saw has potential to suit my play style. I want to tax the runner every turn and slowly constrict them. The runner has to prevent or clear the tag every turn while I build my board position. Combined with the tax that Gagarin brings to the table, this deck slowly strangles the runner economically and then through meat damage.


Commercial Bankers Group, Mumba Temple and PAD Campaign are great economy cards that the runner needs to respond to.

Dedicated Response Team requires that the runner clear and prevent any tags for a run. Obviously great with Prisec and seems to surprise many runners.

Primary Transmission Dish boosts my trace to help compete against link runners.

Museum of History keeps all my operations recurring.


Prisec protects the central servers, which is a weakness of Gagarin decks


Door to Door is your one hope against a Whizzard deck. If you can tax and/or maintain a tag, you might be able to get a kill or score out before Whizzard can find the right breakers.

Consulting Visit helps you find the high leverage operations you need in this deck.

Friends in High Places is fantastic.

Hard-Hitting News accelerates the squeeze.

Scorched Earth bags careless runners.


All the ice need to be cheap and high leverage as any extra economy can go into traces.

Meru Mati is underrated.

Quicksand goes on whatever server the runner is targeting.

Quandary is cheap gear check ICE

RSVP is the quintessential Gargarin ICE.

Hunter also goes where ever the runner wants to go.

Taurus was added for Sifr and seems to surprise.

Tour Guide is the other quintessential Gagarin ICE.

Veritas was added before the tournament but hasn't seen play. The tax seems strong though.


There are some unconventional agendas but they seem to work.

Corporate Sales Team is a nice steady economy agenda

Crisis Management is easy to score in Gargarin and makes clearing the Door To Door tag a necessity.

New Construction gains click advantage which can help stay in front of a vigilant runner.

The Cleaners makes everything significantly better.

The deck is weak to Whizzard and link but there are outs against each of them. I'll probably switch out the Mumba Temples for Psychic Fields to help against the Whizzard match up.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

17 Feb 2017 percomis

I assume the problem with the Whizz matchup is Slums? If yes, why not just include Elizabeth Mills?

18 Feb 2017 herod1204

I tried this last night and it is really quite enjoyable! Only issue I had was money, it felt very poor unless you got lucky with your commercial bankers groups, but I'm not sure how I'd really solve that.