Pikeman 289

So, I heard you like mudkips to fast advance. Well, I like mudkips too clot. So much so, that I thought, "I wonder how many times I can play clot in a single game?"—excluding the weirdness that is Levy AR Lab Access.

So, check my math here, but the answer is: 3 (initial Clot plays) + 6 (Deja Vu) + 6 (Same Old Thing & Deja Vu) + 3 (Scavenge, use with Cujo) + 3 (Clone Chip). Better yet, this can waste several corp turns in a row. "Oh, you just cleared virus counters? I'll just use Sacrificial Construct to prevent the trashing of Clot." So, I count that as 3 more, bringing the grand total to 24. Account Siphon ain't got shit on me.

In all honesty, this deck really sucks, but it's fun to play. I'll take a deck that's fun to play over some boring tourney-level deck that does nothing but secure your victory in the first three turns. After all, isn't that what clot is supposed to prevent?