Express on a Fast Track to Notoriety v1.0 (2nd Adelaide Regi

ODie 730

Heavily adapted from Modified Notorious Daily Quester

Switched to Prepaid VoicePAD economy with Magnum Opus support. This allows me to go TagMe with the Siphon recursion to cripple the Corp's economy or just credit up. NB: there is no room for Crypsis if the full central-only Rig is up; this is deliberate but sometimes can lead to hard choices to trash Passport to make room for the AI breaker if a remote run is utterly necessary.

Public Terminal was in the original version of the build but dropped to make room for Dirty Laundry to come back in after I'd dropped that to make space for something else. Indexing is a star performer, and can win games. Running Interference is less of a hit to the economy if you're able to get a Prepaid or two down, and get credits back with Ken. It makes an excellent surprise run at remotes when the Corp is planning to rush behind a costly piece of Ice; Archer could wreck the rig and put you out of the game, but not when it costs 8 to rez in phase 1 when the Corp can be kept poor by taxing runs.

Legwork and Maker's Eye can also bring surprise wins, and the latter is sometimes an unexpected splash that catches the Corp napping vs Criminals' traditional HQ focus. TME didn't do much damage at my Regionals, but the threat was useful.

The deck can be on match point on four agenda points, if all the stars align. To pull this off you need all the central breakers to be assured of making the runs successful. Early Bird into, typically, Archives and Doppelganger run at R&D. Feint (typically) or just break into HQ normally on click 2, and play out the three Notoriety on clicks 3, 4, and 5 for the win. I've managed double Notoriety wins from 5 points more often than you'd think likely. I like to hoard the second or third Early Bird to enable this, so don't drop it early if you're looking for the Notoriety win.

Play wise, early on I run like an Anarch; no rig and low cash. Those early phase one runs can net valuable a.p. which bring you towards that match point for Notoriety to close out the game. There's only one copy of each breaker and two Magnums, so being prepared to draw manually to hit one of the three Quality Times is important. That said, try to exploit as many of the run events that come up, and pressure the remotes if possible.

The deck is fun to play, and I enjoyed success against NBN MN, GRNDL Division, HB EtF, and I think it has good game vs Jinteki RP and Tennin. Against Jinteki PE I think the strategy is the same as any Runner, draw up madly and go for it, but hitting Siphon to turn off their traps is also very strong play. I've not had a chance to play this vs HB CI but think that combining Breach, Alias, Magum and Siphon with the Legworks should be strong against that archetype as well. Hope you like it!