Junior Colour Encyclopedia of Space

funeral0polis 7

This is my first attempt at coming up with a deck, so I'll try to elaborate on my choices as best I can.


Oaktown Renovation is primarily used for economy early, since there's a half-decent amount of gear-check Ice included. It combos nicely with Utopia Fragment as well, but Film Critic is still scary if you don't have Corporate Town out. It can be used to bait the Runner into an early Chum/Checkpoint combo too.

Project Atlas, aside from being a 3/2, it helps by fetching one-offs as needed and feeding the Archer and Corporate Town; nothing much more to it than that.

Government Takeover is one I'm still unsure of - it keeps the Agenda density low and has the potential to be combo'd with Punitive Counterstrike - assuming they don't have another agenda already scored... On the upside, if you can score it out then you're sitting pretty.

Assets, Upgrades & Operations

The deck is a bit high on the Assets, but building out horizontally works half-decently with Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon anyway. Cards like Blacklist and Corporate Town are useful in certain situations, while Encryption Protocol helps making trashing some of the less-important stuff just that extra bit more taxing.

Daily Business Show, Jackson Howard and PAD Campaign are just solid all-around cards while Public Support can make feeding Archer or Corporate Town that much easier.

Cyberdex Virus Suite is almost too good not to not include at least one. Expo Grid is another annoying card for the Runner to have to deal with, but still costs them at least 4 after bypassing all your Ice just to trash, 6 if you've got the Encryption Protocols out.

Red Herrings is a neat card and even though it can be easily trashed, makes any Agenda into an NAPD Contract when installed in a server. Predictive Algorithm just builds on top of this idea of everything costing the Runner money every step of the way.

Punitive Counterstrike is included due to the combo potential with Government Takeover, but can also hurt if an unsuspecting runner is caught off guard by Checkpoint when trying to steal an Oaktown Renovation.


Chum/Checkpoint is the big combo - it's decently expensive for almost all current breaker suites to get through and if you can surprise a Runner early on, they'd better hope they have a Plascrete Carapace on deck or some I've Had Worse in hand. Even if they are lucky enough to escape a horrible, firey death, that's not a trick they can pull off too many times, hopefully putting them on the back foot for a little while.

Overall, I want the ice to be as frustrating as possible for the Runner to deal with. Tour Guide and Spiderweb aim to make Faust have a bad day, while Caduceus and Meru Mati fill the role of low-cost Ice that is still relatively tough to break through early on. If I had the influence, I'd like to include a couple of Wraparounds, but I don't really know what I'd feel comfortable cutting in their place.


I think the only area I'm a little concerned about is economy, as the drip from PAD Campaign & Expo Grid can be trashed somewhat easily, while Oaktown Renovation needs a fairly safe remote server to be effective. Keeping this in mind, I'm considering going up to 54 cards and adding in some Beanstalk Royalties, a Chronos Project and probably another Jackson Howard or Encryption Protocol - possibly a Shattered Remains or Power Shutdown.

Thanks to anyone who's read and if there's any feedback, please let me know. Sadly, until I can pick up The Universe of Tomorrow, I won't be able to try this out, but as soon as I do I will be putting the deck together and will update here based on how it does.

14 Sep 2015 Phoenix

Chum/Checkpoint is dealt with rather easily by one D4v1d token..... with all the Anarch around I wouldn't rely on that getting you the win.

14 Sep 2015 funeral0polis

@Phoenix That's a very good point, I hadn't considered D4v1d and will have to test against it. Thanks for pointing this out, I'll try dropping down to 2 each of Chum/Checckpoint and find some alternate Code Gates to shore up that hole.