
esutter479 322

This deck was more or less thrown together last night on a whim. My fiance likes to play Netrunner with me on our days off from work sometimes, and she liked the idea of Null, so I whipped something up really fast, and here it is!

I really like Deuces Wild for its flexibility...well worth 1 inf. point, IMO. NRE is gravy, but when you come up against a Lotus Field, you'll be glad you have it. I love Cyberfeeders in here. Haven't used 'em in forever, so this is a nice change. I had a few free influence, so that's where Diesel comes in. As far as the Turning Wheel addition, I'm trying to test things out to see if I'd rather have that in here, or Political Operative. I think that maybe with the Palana decks out there (and others that rely on Caprice to shut runners down), I'm better served with PolOp...but we'll see.

Looking for feedback on this one, if anyone has some to offer! :)

17 Jul 2016 Shmeguy

Diesel is a huge waste of influence I think, you probably want a clone chip and a second NRE instead, you're also looking really poor, consider dropping the cyberfeeders for some daily casts :)

18 Jul 2016 esutter479

I ain't that light on econ, compared to some of the other Null postings on here, to be honest. :)

I may make the change involving Diesel, however. Clone Chip would definitely annoy Corps more though, no doubt. I figured the Cyberfeeders would be a cool "double-purpose" card in there. I can always try Casts out.