MaxX's VoicePad for a White Christmas

Treiclon 65

Merry Christmas NetrunnerDB!

It's been a while since I posted a deck so I wanted to give my view on how I picture MaxX in the future.

I think she can get a better advantage of her 14 turns by using the Prepaid VoicePAD to maximize burst econ and to pay for all those different run events from the cutlery set and Wanton Destruction.

The rest of the game is going to be Keyhole, Keyhole, Keyhole, until Hades Shard comes along.

Eater and Amped Up can prove to be very useful to enable Notoriety turns.

Amped Up serves both to feed Wanton Destruction card trashing and to take advantage of an defenseless R&D with Keyhole on the board.

Finally some cards that I wanted to add but didn't make the cut.

Let's start with the obvious: Account Siphon. one option is to get rid of 1 Lucky Find, 1 Notoriety, then add 2 Siphons. But then I'd be tempted to add Same Old Thing to recur those Siphons. It's certainly something to consider.

Another card is Levy AR Lab Access to restart the 14 turns. Preferably after adding a few SOTs to ensure being able to play it.

Forked is also missing from the decklist. This is because I centered the ICE trashing with the cutlery on getting rid of high strength barriers with Knifed, and Spooned for Lotus Fields. The rest are to deal with parasite.

Another cards that I wanted to add are D4v1d, which would help a lot to get rid of those high barriers; and Public Terminal, because it could pay off really fast with the cutlery , in case most of my prepaid ends up in the heap.

27 Dec 2014 GammaCodeX

I think PPVP is a bit slow for a maxx deck (takes best case 4 turns to make a profit), but who knows. I haven't even proxy tested the ID in any list yet. But even daily casts is better than PPVP until like 8 turns after play (well and on the first turn its played) and seems that didn't make the cut

27 Dec 2014 Guaina

hey i really dig this style of anarch (i'm currently tesing an Estevez wich is pretty similar to this decklist) but i feel like then otoriety are a bit off since the value you get from them is not tha high compared to other possible cards for example i really like panned assault since it can give me Wanton, spooned or knifed (i also run 1 copy of Retrival run and Singularity as silver bullets) and, since you have spare infuence you could add Doppelgänger instead of grimoire to get more speedy (run HQ with wanton then run Archives for free or run on a server kill the ice rerun the server for free and get acces)

1 Jan 2015 saltytacopanda

hehehehehe i'm sorry but.. maxxi pad