AoA miniskirt

ミドリン 38

Introduction & Strategy

So basically this deck takes the strategy of well known Anatomy of Anarchy (AoA) but take away some cards like Account Siphon away. The idea is in a way globally speaking similar, but some differences have come with Order&Chaos.

ID choice

Well, to be honest, I was trying to do something out of Whizzard for a long time, and in the current meta, I think it fit pretty well. Some annoying upgrade, some income assets, and so on. While Reina Roja could be useful in a credit denial strategy, and Edward Kim seems similar to my choice and interesting too whit 1 link, Whizzard has this ablity to trash Jackson for free, and makes the corp protect alls asset needed for income. I saw sometimes some corp protect a Marked account with 2 ices. The jobs is done. You just need to have the guts to play that with a player in front of you who is looking at you with a regards that say "I hate you for forcing me to protect my assets like that". But I assure that's pretty fun.

Card choices

There is two ways to present what's in this deck, by card type or by utility. The first one allows me to not forget about anything the second one allows a clearer description of the strategy, but with my memory, I will forget about some choices. I will go on the second choice, so don't hesitate to make remarks.

AoA : basic set

The initial strategy hasn't change much from the archetype Anatomy of Anarchy (I will maybe have to link this one for people who doesn't know that one). Joshua B. to play on 5 clicks, John Masanori, to compress draw power in a run, Data Leak Reversal to use the fact that you will be tag, and 3 Fall Guy to protect this set, by making the corp poor in order to successfully trash your resource rig. So that's basically it.


As said just below, you will surely play on five clicks at a moment during the game, so Day Job becomes really strong, since you can play it on click 1-4 and run on click 5. Sure Gamble, of course, There is just little decks that play without it, like my Nasir (free advertisement :þ), but that's particular, this card is just over rated. Well you will be tag at a point in the game, but Liberated Account allows you to gain a lot in a turn (or all of it in one 5 clicks turn), so it will be nearly worth it even in a 4 clicks turn, when you install, and use it three times, even if the corp trash it, that loss in the corp side is more than enough. If you need a bit more econ, you can maybe remove an Imp and a Parasite to make place for two Dirty Laundry.

Icebreaker suite

I choose here some cheap breaker for small Ices, and I took ZU.13 Key Master over Yog.0 because I lost to many games during testing because of lotus field. And with Order and Chaos coming ther is a lot of big code gates to take care of like Whormhole (damn there is no link help for corp cards when you write a runner deck). Corroder is for low forces ice perfect, and Mimic for Rototurrets. D4v1d is include in one, and not more, because I have some affinity for other cards and didn't want to make place for more than one. But if you think you can pass on some cards, don't hesitate to make it in three to be sure to have it when you face-check some (big) ices.

Strategy 2.0 and others cards.

We arrive to the interesting part. Thanks for reading to this point if you had the courage to do so. That's the part I really try to make work, and in the lest ~10/15 tests I made it works really fine. You will have a big click compression with Doppelgänger + John Masanori, allowing you to draw one card and make two runs in a single clicks. Since you are Whizzard: Master Gamer, a double run R&D could make you see two cards, if the first one is trash for maybe not that much with his ability. But since there not only Upgrade and assets, Imp become really interesting, to trash even more cards. Plus you could have an Hemorrhage installed, that will have its two virus counter in a single click. Isn't it interesting ? And if you don't have Imp, you still have DLR, that can trash a card from R&D. And remember that you choose when you use Doppelgänger in a turn. For example, you can make a run on R&D, see an event, but you don't have Imp installed, and that Biotic Labor needs to be trash. So you don't use Doppelgänger, click for DLR, to trash it, comes back in a third click, and if that time it's either a, agenda or an asset/upgrade you can bounce back with Doppelgänger to see one more cards. It is NOT the first successful run, and that's what's good.

And now you say "There is two cards in a 2-set I don't have explain yet, this description sucks". And that's correct : HQ Interface is here for HQ multi-access (ho really ?) because in some games, Hemorrhage will not be enough to empty HQ, when servers ar too much lock down, so we need multi-access, and that makes Imp and Whizzard's ability more likely to be useful on a annoying card.

And yes corps play a lot of annoying cards. How many times did you see a Jackson take back an SanSan City Grid you had trashed, or another Jackson, what Interns brings back, Snare, and so on, economy operations, ices that was parasite-ed, coming back in this deck ? Because I was fed up with such thing I bring in Archives Interface. In a first place, I though that this card wasn't good if in the local meta, nobody where playing Shock, Shi.Kyu, but I tried it anyway, and found it very useful : you annoy a lot the corp. It sucks to pay 4 to steal a NAP so if you don't have enough to do so when you access it R&D you Imp it, and then with Doppelgänger go immediately remove it form the game. That's just fun, it just decrease the number of agenda that the corp could score. That's not especially useful, but you will not be able to trash all Action Jackson, so you will be sure to not see it again without spending 4 to steal it. But the point where Archives Interface is really good in my opinion is that it procs BEFORE accessing this cards, so Shi.Kyu doesn't proc, Cyberdex Virus Suite (cards that I include in all my corp decks :þ) , Space Camp neither and so on. That's the beauty of that card. And that why I personally can't pass on it. But if you think that doesn't fit your game plan, put some D4v1d in place of it. But I recommend to give it a try. Really.


We always need to do one. T speak about what ? First of all, thanks for reading that if you did, I will appreciate any comment you could do on this deck (and if you say it sucks, I will gladly take your explanation on that to make some improvement).


"Why miniskirt ?"

Because I decide it that way, and you may have come here just to know that. That's call marketing (I think).

"Others "

There is none, so see you in comment :)

21 Mar 2015 TrungusWungus

I prefer shorthair.

22 Mar 2015 Wrecko

If you are going with Joshua B, I suggest switching out Day Job for Armitage Codebusting. Treat them the same way but with Armitage, you get extra credits left over after turning a turn's worth of clicks into credits and the Corp will probably be tired of trashing your resources and just let you have those free credits. That's what I found with my "Terrorism" deck anyways.

Are you just hammering Archives and then hemorrhaging cards out of their hand? I'm just trying to understand how this deck works.

3 Hemorrhage might be excessive. I'd probably drop one for a Plascrete or another icebreaker. 5 breakers seems slim. There are a lot of sentries that would ruin your day like Rototurret, if you haven't drawn your Mimic yet. Grim and Archer would also cause havoc and you don't seem to have a good answer for them.

Very cool idea. I might try to do something similar with Kim.

22 Mar 2015 ミドリン

The idea of Day Job is to be able to have a burst of creds before a run done in fifth click. Armitage Codebusting allows to have just a +5c in such a case, and day job make a +8. True that you can do it next turn as well with Armitage Codebusting. Both are good, and depends on how player wants to pilot it I guess.

The low number of breaker is due to a previous version with Special Order instead of HQ Interface but, after I switched it doesn't felt that bad. Maybe because I'm not playing in place where there is a lot of Grim/Archers for witch I usually use D4v1d, but like said before miss some more in this deck. I would surely drop one Hemorrhage for it.

25 Mar 2015 Wrecko

Sorry, D4v1d didn't click in as a way to deal with Grim and Archer. We have Archers popping up like rabbits in Calgary, one D4v1d definitely would not be enough. :)