Run All Night feat. Notorious Ken

TheLastPaladin 26

My first try at a Ken deck by myself.

My goal is to really just pound on all the central servers and force the corp to defend a lot. I'm sure it could really use some help though.

24 Sep 2015 slobad31

This looks like a good start. Have you considered Quest Completed? It could be useful if they double ice a scoring remote. With triple Same Old Thing, I think you could drop a Maker's and a Legwork for two Planned Assault to tutor run events. That would also free up influence for a Quest Completed, which could replace one of the Terminals. With three PPVP, I don't think you need double Terminal on top of it. Outside of Sure Gamble, your events cost 2 or less, and your ID is already giving you money on top of that.

I don't know how prevalent meat damage is in your meta, but triple Plascrete seems a bit much, too, especially since you aren't tagging yourself with Account Siphon. You could probably drop a Doppelgänger, too, just so you don't have so many dead draws. Other cards that could go in their place are John Masanori or Mr. Li, to increase your draw power.

Hopefully, that will help you gain some traction in developing this further. Best of luck to you!