crimson blast v2.1 MWL legal

megamaster 48

This is a fun little Reina/ apoc deck I built to annoy my horizontally playing NBN and Jinteki friends.


This deck is mainly focused on assaulting centrals and to present the corp with the choice to either shore up one central hard, rush agendas behind one or two ice or spread their ice thin on all their servers.

Apocalypse either get it early and kick the corp back into the stoneage or save it for the lategame where a whipe will mean an open R&D for Keyholeing purposes. Destroy any ice you find with keyhole and there should´nt be too much resistance until you´re on 7 points.

Because of the nature of apoc and the decks lack of programrecoursion, you should try to stick to Eater for as much as possible. Only use your standard breakers if you absolutely have to. wraparound, swordsman and turing on centrals come to mind.

Passport over Yog.0 because of the new MWL regulations and since its mainpurpose is to counter turing on centrals, you would have to use Yog.0 4 times to break even with Passports installcost and usage. The installcost of Passport also means it´s a smaller tempo hit early game.

Amped Up enables you to Same Old Thing for Quest Completed , apoc or removing that pesky tag after spending your whole turn breaking into centrals.

Singularity for some remote pressure but I am not entirely sold on this one. Could be a second D4v1d or Retrieval Run.

Hades Shard to close out the game or just for the sake of a little jackson hate.


I cannot stress how hard this deck is countered by crisium grid. DESTROY ON SIGHT.

Decks that tax clicks make your life rather hard. RP is especially annoying because of caprice.

Otherwise relatively normal Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter card suite to maintain a certian amount of pressure on the corp.

Honest criticisim and improvements allways appreciated.