
v01d 129

This is my attempt to a Whizzard deck. Feedback welcome.

18 Mar 2014 Drabuksterg

I've played an almost identical version of this deck since before christmas and it does pretty well. It went unbeaten in one tournament and did ok in another. A major problem that I have come across using the deck has been getting the account siphons to fire reliably as getting the icebreaker suite out can be slow. To solve this I removed one account siphon and put in 2 special orders which really helped speed the deck up. I've also found that not having 3 datasuckers can affect reliability. I don't have stimhacks in my current deck but have been thinking about putting them in. Hope that helps.

19 Mar 2014 v01d

Thanks for your thoughts. I decided to stick in two JBs. They work very well with armitage and LA, and you can draw an extra card in case.