The Purple Punisher

Fridan 542

This deck started as a way to try to make use of Midway Station Grid, because I think it has some real taxing potential in the right deck, and HB have a good amount of ice with multi routines. Custom biotics seemed to make sense as it gives me the influence to include MSG and Archers, which could make a very tough to crack remote.

This has now become an all round punishing glacier style deck, with a good amount of flatline potential. I've gone for all 5/3 agendas since that ties in with the glacier idea. Since I'll have quite a few IAA turns, Cerebral Overwriter and GRNDL made sense to try to catch the runner out, drain some credits etc.

Enhanced Login Protocol and Strongbox I'm hoping will mitigate the click through issues with bioroid ice. In thoery, ELP, Strongbox and and Eli or Victor is enough to keep a breakerless runner out for the early agenda score, unless they have a run event.

The ice is generally designed to cause a headache. Namely, brain damage. If you can get the runner to 3 brain damage through ice and/or cerebrals, then one punitive counterstrike is all it takes. Otherwise, if you've got a good credit advantage, 2 should do the job.

All thoughts, comments & critiques welcome.

17 Oct 2014 Shirkus

So I played this deck a few times last night with a friend of mine. Overall I liked it a lot. Eden Fragment was the first agenda I scored, and by the end of the game I have 3 to 4 pieces of ICE on HQ, R&D and two remote servers. ELP was great but the ECON was a little off. I got a bad draw the first game but in subsequent games there were always times where I was really hurting for bits. It will need more plays before I'm sure. Anyway, my two cents and thanks for sharing.

17 Oct 2014 Fridan

Thanks for your thoughts. Now that I've played a few games with this I think I agree with a lot of what your saying. I don't have a whole lot of experience with glacier decks, so figuring out the econ is a little tough. I'm tempted to drop the Eve's as they feel a little too slow when your playing with things like Janus and Heimdall 2.0.

I think the deck might be spread a little thing at the moment, but I'm not sure what I'd change. When you say you were hurting for bits, do you mean ICE, econ, upgrades or a bit of everything?

I don't know if it's just the games I've played, but so far Midway hasn't done much for me. I'm going to stick with it for a bit though, as I think the potential is there to increase the cost of run at a crucial point and keep the runner out when it counts.

17 Oct 2014 Shirkus

I personally like MSG. I dropped it on a data fort with 3 pieces of ice, 2 of which were unrezzed. The runner just gave up on that fort and tried to hammer R&D. I have yet to use PC, I may just need more play throughs though. I agree completely on the Eve Campaigns. They are way too slow. Subliminal Messages or Hedge funds to replace them? Maybe Bioroid Eff. Research might help with the ICE.

So far I just feel like there are turns I have to punt and gain bits. It's not so bad when I have the mining corp out but it is a giant target once I rez it.

I need to play it more, but so far I'm least loving the PCs and Strongboxes. The latter might be because I've yet to spring it on a runner yet. I'll let you know how it goes.