R E D R U |\/| U R D E R [Undefeated @ US Nats Team Tourney]

lukifer 1265

Sneaky purple kill, ported from my old RuseMetal list. Went undefeated (4-0) at the US Nationals team event in San Fransisco, alongside a variant of 90-card MaxX, which went 3-1 to carry the CO team to victory.

Between click-stealing with MCA and money-stealing with Econ Warfare, it's possible to stick them with tags they can't shake, even with Misdirection on the table. Often, though, HHN is just for tempo, slowing down their setup or rushing out an agenda. NGO bluffs are also important in this deck: I nearly always single-advance them when installing, both for MM efficiency, and so they look like a CST/Vitruvius.

Weak matchup is 419, econ denial is a real problem. I'm a steadfast defender of Errand Boy (we need green pips to run Consulting), but Bukghalter might as well ignore it, and it becomes a tragedy if they manage to stick more than one PAD Tap. Paparazzi Liza is also difficult; your best play is hoping they don't bother installing it against purple. :D