Hacker Mom 1.0 (discussion, see notes)

LynxMegaCorp 1343

Here's a simple brainstorm for Sunny with the current pool. Let's discuss ideas / concepts etc for her here. The increased deck size hurts, but she gets to fire abilities right away. This deck aims to threaten the end game. Many cards could be included to increase aggro, and that's why I want to discuss her.

Sunny L.
Link 2
Deck Size 50 (50 cards)
Influence 25 / 25


3x Dirty Laundry
3x Lucky Find 6inf


2x Autoscripter 6inf
3x Dyson Mem Chip
3x Security Chip
3x Security Nexus


3x Femme Fatale 3inf
3x GS Striker M1
3x GS Shrike M2
3x GS Sherman M3
3x Overmind


3x Compromised Employee 3inf
3x Data Folding
2x Jak Sinclair
3x London Library 6inf
3x Technical Writer
3x Underworld Contact 1x Utopia Shard

  • As a janker and lover of London Library, this is a build that thrives on momentum. LL allows Technical Writer to be pumped beyond imagination while Autoscripter allows for increased efficiency. Jak obviously allows Security Nexus to poke at single-ice servers. Compromised Employee is a Power Tap that supports SN and rewards Sunny upon rez (sorry, PT, maybe one day?) Data Folding and Underworld Contacts are obvious includes. There are clearly tons of potential builds for the mini-Runners, so let's brainstorm!
2 Aug 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Since the deck is running London Library, a Chameleon + Datasucker package seems natural. Datasucker can also help even out strength numbers that are awkward for the cloud breakers, and Chameleon lets the runner walk past low-strength ICE (as well as building towards your early game aggression a little smoother than Femme Fatale if London Library doesn't pop up right away). The deck sports Dysons so Data Folding can stay.

The real elephant in the room here is draw econ; there is none. Something like Mr. Li, who increases draw quality but not the number of cards in hand, feels like the right call to me. Professional Contacts also fits in nicely with all the drip econ.

Security Nexus starts the corp at trace5, with the runner starting at only 3 (if no other sources are installed). I want this to be a way to consistently sap money from the corp, but it really isn't (and is therefore balanced). It's functional in the late game, but as early game bypass I'm not a fan; it requires you to burn too many credits to get in while your deck aims to be setting up. As a last-ditch way to get by a Wraparound to grab an AstroScript Pilot Program, I get it, but use should be limited. I certainly wouldn't run 3 copies without some way to discount the install.

Jak Sinclair is sweet as a free Dirty Laundry play when it's available, but he really wants more synergy. Datasucker again is great; nothing like a free token from Archives every turn until the corp gives up and ICEs it. Security Testing makes some sense, as does a Goodbye setup (but that's a whole different deck). Desperado is of course worth a mention.

Similar to the issue with draw econ, the deck has no multi-access. London Library builds need to squeeze all the quality possible out of their runs, as the to setup become prohibitive to multiple runs very quickly.

TL;DR: 25 influence isn't that much at all.

2 Aug 2015 LynxMegaCorp

Thanks for your input! Trust me, I know my setup has drawbacks, but I mainly wanted it to show a more 'basic' janky approach that caters to my style and encourage discussion.

I didn't consider Chameleon because of influence and inflexibility. It only targets 1 type of ice. Femme is influence-light (quite important here) and negates single-ice servers. Overmind is free influence and has potentially 5+ counters per turn. With Autoscripter, each turn a server is not safe. This combination also makes sentries / swordsman less threatening.

Datasucker, always, is a good consideration. It cheapens runs like nothing else, and is cheap to boot. Maybe Datasucker alongside Overmind?

Also, the GlobalSec breakers are there to fill in the gaps.

DysinMemChips are there to smoothen Security Nexus's ability, as is Compromised Employee. It pays for SN while granting free credits for ice rezzes.


-3 Lucky Find (this is a drip econ setup that can potentially snowball.) This leaves room for HQ Interface or R&D Interface. Maybe 1x HQ, 2x R&D?

-3 Femme Fatale (Shrike is quite the killer. Get one out asap if you fear sentries.) Leaves room for Datasuckers.

I considered 3x Earthrise Hotel. John Masanori is a potential candidate.