CT: Division by Zero - CJFM

CJFM 2270

Something I've been fiddling around with. More of a thought-experiment than any sort of competitive deck, but it has been pretty strong, winning about half of its games (also, keep in mind, you have to play this a LOT differently than normal runner decks). The main idea here is to get the most value possible out of your initial 5 by playing mostly 0. 28 of its cards are 0 and the rest can sit in your hand until you're ready for them.

Playing the deck: Play out all Zero cost things. When you get Ice Analyzers out, start poking the corp to keep their cash low. If you get Faerie or SMC early, you can also do this. Your win-con is R&D Interface and Code Siphon --> Magnum Opus to Vamp -->Data Leak Reversal, use All-nighters, for a bunch of s, and then mill, mill, mill. Run Archives.

The deck doesn't really run very frequently. It plays somewhat like Noise. Eventually you want to Code Siphon Crypsis (if you don't already have it) and after you mill, use it to run Archives for the win. Keep Jacksons off the table (I've been considering using Paricia here, any thoughts?).

It's insanely liberating to play a deck that barely even uses credits (until it wants to vamp), so go nuts with your installs. The corp will be confused and try to score out. Be patient.

Sacrificial Construct can be a way to bank Crypsis virus counters until you get Crypsis out (or, along with Clone Chip, to keep Faerie on the table). Effectively, your Sentry breaker is only Faerie with Crypsis backup. Inti is there for Wraparound and other low-str nonsense. Consider ing through Eli or just wait.

Social Engineering is a way to help guarantee that Vamp (or Code Siphon) hits. A well-timed Engineering can get you in and completely wreck the corp's game.

Anyway, this is meant to be a fun, experiment deck that I hope people enjoy trying out. I think there's a potential idea here. It needs some more testing and tuning, of course. I'm liking Code Siphon in this build (and in Nasir builds) but in other decks it's kinda useless. It's best used for Magnum Opus, I feel.