Queen of the Vivarium

MrEhjiwurth 1647

This is my latest iteration of my Hayley deck that I've been working on this month. It has great versatility in running through ice thanks to the wonderful new icebreaker in my life Chameleon.

MVP Components of this deck

Chameleon: One of my favorite icebreakers Chameleon is great in handling ICE for very cheap. With LLDS and/or Dinosaurus in play you can break a majority of ICE and due to Hayleys ability you can install two in one click. These also add extra protection to your hand because they return to your hand after reducing down to hand size giving you a potential hand size of 7 which is helpful in avoiding flatlining.

Sahasrara: A must for your Chameleon combo to save you money and efficiency. It also helps with the Cache economy and playing off Street Peddler.

Scheherazade: With the amount of cheap programs and installs Scheherazade helps sway the money game to your benefit. You can easily get 2 Sahasrara and then install two Chameleons for 1 click and gain 2 credits for essentially a homemade Magnum Opus and two breakers. Also as the Chameleons return to your hand you can avoid the meanies who play Power Shutdown.

Street Peddler: A great deck clearing resource for Hayley. Its super cheap, effective and can be combo'd with Hayley's ability for another peddler clearing out 8 cards in a click. Also installing with Peddler allows you to install cards during the corps turn and give them some unexpected reactions.

I'm still looking at ways to improve this deck so any suggestions would be wonderful.

2 Aug 2015 vor_lord

How about a Same Old Thing? If you peddle your Levy, how much trouble will you be in?