Portland Regional 2nd Place Whizzard

jakodrako 1621

I've been a little out of the competitive scene for a little while, so I was completely at a loss for what to play at the regional in Portland. Over the week leading up to the tournament, I was considering trying a Whizzard deck to help in match ups against NEH and RP, especially because Net-Ready Eyes just came out. On Friday I ran into Kody Christoffer, who told me that Wooley had been working on a Whizzard deck with Career Fair and NRE. So I figured why the hell not, threw this together, and took it with no testing whatsoever.

Now that I've had a chance to check out Wooley's deck, it looks like the only thing I hadn't really considered was Atman. I didn't find that I needed it, and the extra Career Fair and the Legwork were very handy (Legwork specifically was really important in half of the games I played). Hats off to everyone who worked on this idea before me, I wouldn't have made this deck without the word from Kody.

Tournament Record/Match Ups

Overall record: 7 wins and 1 loss

  • 2x Butcher Shop, both wins
  • 1x RP, win
  • 2x NEH "Space-light", both wins
  • 1x NEH Astrobiotics, 1 win and 1 loss
  • HB Glacier, win
9 Jun 2015 ekayohlee

i really like this build. CF is so good that a third one would be nice, legwork adds much-needed HQ pressure, and the stimhack should be gold with the clone chip. i used symmetrical visage a TON in my matches, though. will have to try your version out!

9 Jun 2015 x3r0h0ur

I think stimhack is overkill for clonechip in this deck, especially w/o atman. I'd rather see 1 baby or human first or something with a little drizzle econ.

9 Jun 2015 Saan

So it turns out that double Medium is pretty good vs Butcher! =P That was a great game, dude. I honestly think I need to include a Cyberdex in the deck, because I think both wins you got vs my NEH were due to Medium digs with a porous R&D.

I think Whizz was a great call to bring, since he's good vs the two best IDs right now: RP and NEH. You played fantastically! Thanks again for the games =)

10 Jun 2015 SlayerCNV

I'd add a personal touch over legwork and a wanton over stimhack . Probably just personal opinions but I'll try it this way and I'll tell you how it works...

11 Jun 2015 Saan

With Net-Ready Eyes, why would you need a Personal Touch?