Sly Fox v1.1 (1st place / 22 players / 5 rounds)

paddosan 3408

With this deck and No Time To Waste v1.3 I won a tournament that took place today in Reggio Emilia (Italy) and saw 22 players participating for 5 swiss rounds.

This is just version 1.1, but it's basically the result of many different Personal Evolution decks that I've been playing from months. I do really like this Identity and tried many different options, but mostly wanted to go with one including Trick of Light, which is a card I really like a lot (used to splash it 3x in my NBN fast advance decks).

Anyway this deck is not meant for scoring agendas. Really, it's not.

It uses mostly expensive ice and just a couple Ice Walls for use with ToL, plus the very awesome Kitsune (which is reason enough to get an AI Icebreaker in your decks, now). Ice like Komainu, Tsurugi or Lotus Field usually slows the runner down a bit and helps setting the pace of a game.

There's obviously many assets, but I generally don't install them all the time. I might install one and advance it once or twice, just to place a third advancement in the turns after to avoid leaving it unadvanced after moving two tokens with a ToL. Just so the runner can't simply go and trash them without any risks.

Also, I don't actually have many assets doing net damage, because it's the easier one to defend from. As one of the last changes I added a single Aggressive Secretary because it's something you generally don't expect, and while you can still live with 1-2 brain damages, losing one or more of your installed programs in late game can be devastating. It worked in one of the first games of the tournament and it's reason enough for me to stick with it.

Just 1 Psychic Field because it's not so reliable, but it's nice to also have a card that does not need advancements. Mostly because once the runner sees how you're gonna play it (in my case installing just 1 card at a time, and advancing it), leaving something non advanced will create confusion. They might suspect it's just a Jackson Howard or not... either way you lose nothing.

Kitsune is the real star of the deck, anyway. It proved invaluable to me in all the games I played today, actually winning for me even when it didn't fire. Having it there might be enough for the runner to stop and not run on the server... especially if he knows you have installed it, cause he saw it from Celebrity Gift before.

The deck won me 3 games, all by flatline, and lost twice.

One loss came from a game against a Noise mill deck (he managed to mill about half of my deck away, at least). I still managed to prevent him from winning for a very long time by installing Lotus Field on all my central servers and Swordsman on Archives, thus preventing him from running there (he only had Crypsis and Darwin as icebreakers).

I know what you might wanna know: how come he milled so much when you have Cerebral Static in your deck?

Well, can't do much when you start with 3 agenda in hand and that current. I did install it, but as soon as he got an agenda it was all over, and the milling started again. Too bad I won the game before leaving enough time for me to get wasted right after, I guess! :)

Anyway the other loss was another very long game (after I won rather quickly with my Silhouette), and there were a few close calls. It all winded down to the last turn, in which either he won, or I would have won the next round anyway. Sadly, he stole one agenda for the victory! Still, a rather tense and interesting match.

The victories were obviously all carefully executed, I mean you can't just go and kill people, come on...

Jokes aside, winning by flatline is no easy task when confronted with a good player, and the level of the games at this tournament proved to be rather high. The italian meta is definitely growing and that can only make me happy!

All in all, I could have maybe played the last turn differently in my first loss, but I think it was quite the feat, to win against Noise given my starting hand. So I am quite content with my results at the tournament.

Even if my runner deck performed much better, it was a fast advanced Ronin that gave me the tournament victory and caught the runner by surprise, in the end.

23 Nov 2014 Two_EG

Colorful traps. I like it!

25 Nov 2014 paddosan

With hindsight, and given how underwhelming Cerebral Static proved to be, I'd switch those 2 copies out for Mushin No Shin.

That would make the deck work much better... just mushin a trap (or a Fetal AI) and install Kitsune in front of it. If you have a Snare! in your hand that means a lot of damage to the runner... and if he doesn't run just use those tokens with Trick of Light and then use the server for something else.

1 Dec 2014 Orpheus

@paddosanDid you have any trouble keeping enough credits around to rez your ice, advance your traps, and pop Snare!?

I've never played with GRNDL Refinery, so I may be underestimating its strength, but what do you do in the opening?

I love the idea of Celebrity Gift as deterrent to running in addition to making credits.

I think Mushin No Shin for Cerebral Static is a strong switch.

1 Dec 2014 paddosan

@Orpheus: I didn't really have any problem with the economy, even if that meant spend many turns just getting credits for clicks. But generally speaking Celebrity Gift and GRNDL Refinery proved to be more than enough.

GRNDL Refinery was the opener most of the time. People hardly espect that coming out from a Personal Evolution deck, and getting 12 credits in the early game is a decisive boost to the economy. Plus, even when they know you have it, there's still tons of other dangerous stuff that could hide under that advancement token... so they'll think twice. Is it worth to prevent me getting some credits, if it means risking a brain damage or a trash? This card was definitely a key factor for the success of the deck.

Many people criticized my choice of Celebrity Gift because it lets your opponent knows too much. But that's nonsense to me... because I want my opponent to know I have a Snare! in hand, otherwise my Kitsune won't be nearly as fearsome.

By having them know what I kept in my hand, I forced them to slow down or avoid some servers entirely. And that gave me the final victory, leading to me winning the tournament.

My opponent avoided a remote (with a twice advanced card on it) the whole game because he knew I had a Snare! and that was a Kitsune defending it (I was actually forced to rez by his Forged Activation Orders). So if that card was a Fetal AI he wouldn't have won anyway and got 5 damage... if it was something else it could easily have meant his loss.

That card, though, was my only Ronin. He ended his last turn by running on R&D trying to win and couldn't steal a The Future Perfect (which would have left him at 6 points, anyway). So he had 1 card left in hand and said: well, he can't kill me anyway!. I did my mandatory draw, played Trick of Light and fast advanced my Ronin for the kill, with the only credit I had left.

3 Dec 2014 mmj

Awesome session report (especially the matchup posted above me). I like how trap laden this deck is yet you let all the information out with Celebrity Gift nonetheless. Its seems Kitsune has turned the Jinteki-flatline on its head but in a positive way for the corp.

4 Dec 2014 paddosan

Thanks @maskmanjoe, that last victory was really something.

I like a lot the way information can be manipulated in Netrunner: secrecy is enormously important for the corps, but even letting some informations know by means of Celebrity Gift can be important. And Kitsune is the menace you need to use that information as a weapon.

Of course the runner just needs an AI, but during the tournament I used Swordsman to help against them. Now that some Anarch decks focus on a rig composed by Darwin and D4v1d, that destroyer does wonders.

Another possible change I'd make would actually be adding a second Swordsman in exchange for a Komainu.

11 Dec 2014 FourLeaf

What is your answer for Deus X? I can't seem to ever beat shapers with PE when they just keep getting that damn thing back with Clone Chip.

13 Dec 2014 paddosan

Deus X is the number one problem, that's for granted, but what I usually do against it is stack the net damage sources. For example, if I place a Kitsune (to menace a Snare!) and a Fetal AI behind it, they will probably use Deus X against the Snare!, but they will still get 3 net damage.

This basically forces them to waste a lot of cards anyway, and you could also use Aggressive Secretary at the right time to remove Deus X from the table.

Sure, they can recycle with Clone Chip, but they can't do it forever either... and I usually play slowly, making their discarded cards pile up, while I wait for the right moment.