Pump and Dump - FA Titan

Kopiok 373

My Fast Advance Titan deck. It's been doing real well for me so far. The main idea is to ice up your centrals and ride that Atlas train right into the station, as FA Titan tends to be.


Score a Project Atlas, get a token, wait to draw another Atlas or a FA piece, use the token to get whichever of the two is missing, score another Atlas, use the last Atlas to get a Hostile Takeover. Easy-peasy. If they manage to steal an Atlas (those bastards!) then go back in time and rush an Oaktown in a gear-check remote, or use Priority Construction to set up a scoring remote and use Oaktown to create a scoring window. If they steal two Atlas, cry. Red Planet Couriers is in there so that you can FA a Global Food Initiative if/when the opportunity arises. This is an important out to have in the deck if in the event of Atlas steals. That's also one of the main reasons that Biotic Labor is being used over Trick of Light. Audacity is amazing. You have a few recursive options, a ton of money, and also only need a handful of ice on the board so you can feel good about dumping your hand a lot of the time. Once you get the train going you can close the game fast.


The ice is generally geared toward being taxing (Mausolus, Fire Wall [which is great vs. Paperclip], Meru Mati, Colossus), allowing for a first-turn Oaktown rush (Ice Wall, Hortum), and being annoying to Aumakua (Hortum, Swordsman). Swordsman could probably be something else, but it's a neat little trick for people who aren't expecting it. I originally had a Wormhole instead of the second Mausolus, to be used with Priority Construction, but I so rarely needed that scoring remote that I think another Maus to make centrals stronger is a better investment. I'd go back if I start feeling like a remote is more necessary.


CVS for obvious reasons. I'm not seeing Clot all that much (it's hard to use with the runner econ as it is, and SacCons are usually spent on Tapwrms instead), so I would consider going down to 1 and taking a Crisium Grid.


Need money fast to make your servers taxing early and pay for those Biotics. Also need it to survive Audacity dumps if it hits money cards. All the usual suspects. Mass Commercialization is amazing and allows you to set up a potential Red Planet Courier play while getting mad stacks. Beanstalk is fine dollars and influence free, so it's in! Special Report is great for taking care of Global Foods that pop up when you definitely don't need them, and it lets you get to your FA tools faster if your hand happens to be full of ice you don't need. I love it. Don't take it away. Priority Construction is there to dump counters for RPC and help create a scoring remote if needed. Preemptive for when you wanna get money, sneakily archived agendas, or FA tools back into the deck. Archived Memories is Biotic #3, or Audacity #4, or Agenda from Archives, or whatever else you need whenever you need it.

That's pretty much the whole deck. It's nice! I'd love to have a spicy Hunter Seeker, but GFI is more important. Try it out, it's neat!