Fly Like Paper, High Like Planes v4

jakodrako 1615

21 Mar 2015 jakodrako

This deck has been through several very different iterations, but the core has always been The Supplier, Stim Dealer, and Origami. This latest version took some inspiration from Chris's Soul Siphon - focus on actual accesses by using Eater to apply HQ pressure until you build up a proper rig. Once you start having 5-6 click turns every turn, it's a lot of fun to hang out at your Day Job and also spend two clicks doing anything else. The ideal game plan with this deck is to get two or three full-hand Wanton Destructions off before running into Archives, and then cleaning up in R&D with Medium.

This is still very much a deck in testing. I think I would like to get real breakers in here, some Stimhack, and a Hades Shard instead of having to rely on actually getting into Archives. I don't think this deck can move Datasucker fast enough against any deck that has a decent amount of ice, so those might come out as well.

Suggestions welcome!

21 Mar 2015 SecurityRake

I love supplier, but it's always painful for me to try running 3 out of faction. After all, they're unique, and odds are good that running Lucky Finds would net you more money if you hit the second one, without the risks involved in using The Supplier.

21 Mar 2015 jakodrako

Yeah, The Supplier definitely a huge chunk of influence. I'm not really hoping for economy here, it's more about controlling when the Stim Dealers get out. I don't want to start taking brain damage before some of the rig is set up. I think I might try the deck without The Supplier and just hard cast the Dealers.

21 Mar 2015 CJFM

@jakodrako Let's talk about this build a bit more. I think there's an idea here that is nearly ready. I'm not sold on it being in MaxX, to be honest. It might be a Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe deck.