Balls to the Icewall. 2-1 and 3rd at Birmingham Startup CO

Ish 21

What a long strange trip netrunner has been. Starting way back in the day with the og core set and droping off for a bit as FFG ran down there support the game I loved too picking it back up at UKGE this year and being so welcomed back into the game by the Birmingham meta. I would not be where I am now in my run back into netrunner with out them and I can't thank them enought for both being exilent people to play and great friends.

Corp wise I let myself have a little NBN as a treat

The deck as you have most likey guessed from the name this is a deck that love to go fast and lives and dies by how well you can hit agenda's and draw the revevent events to get to them and in the games you don't do that you do just lose but there in is where you need the true secreat souce of the deck and its just be Kenough. And boy for this Prepaid VoicePAD econ deck Ken really is Kenough. Having even one out two prepaideds out and Ken himself really helps fix crims problematic econ. As the now Dr HarmonBee correctly points out Crim has one draw card in start up so this means we have to spend some of our 17 inf bring it in and Joy Ride both helps up do our game plan (run a lot and get cash off it) and draws us the events we need to keep doing that. Docklands, Legwork, Jailbreak and Trick Shot round out some multi access to let us pressure centrals and bypass and run events that give us cash just let us have a really strong remote threat were thought bad on draw Crims breakers are just sweet.

On the day the deck was able to go 1-1 vs BTL in a match up I realeased the second time is quite hard for the deck to deal with when it gets all set up. Its second win came vs Ateha where just get them with events just won out.

The last thanks I'd like to give is to Aceempress who put up with me asking them for deck list help and without there ideas and feed back a much worse Ken deck would have been played today.