Aristocratic Criminals v1.0

paddosan 3408

A different approach on Andromeda from my usual, using some of the new cards of the Spin Cycle.

Hostage can fetch and install any Resource this deck uses, but Same Old Thing, which is here just to re-play some events, and maybe Hostage as well.

Not many Icebreakers, but a couple Special Order to get the one you need for the job.

Copycat should be installed only when you are going to use it, otherwise the Corp will play against it. It should work similarly to Inside Job, but just in case, better have them both. It would be nice to use it with Escher, but its faction cost is prohibitive.

Recon is a card I wanna test a lot, I think it has a lot of potential, but 3 copies might be one too many, we'll see.
19 Nov 2013 HepatitvsJ

I think copycat has a lot of potential and a lot of "nope. Dead card. Wish I had anything else" I thought about a shaper "Escher" deck but your opponent has to have two of the same ice rezzed and they have to be in the right spot. If you can Escher into a pop up window or other cheap ice by itself and its twin as the last ice on R&D or HQ it's gold...for one run. Then the corp likely trashes the ice by installing another. All that work for a couple good runs at best. I don't see copycat being worth the effort right now. I'm always willing to be proven wrong though. :)

2 Dec 2013 paddosan

The more different pieces of ICE there will be, the harder it will probably become to use Copycat successfully, but I think that it mostly depends on your opponent. NBN usually has 3 copies of at least 2 pieces of ICE (Data Raven and Pop-up Window), and Weyland always has at least 3 Ice Wall.

This being said, however, 3 copies are probably one too many, just added 3 since I definitely wanted to try it out.

Not so fond of Hostage, though, I still prefer to have more copies of the Resources, rather than one event I need to have to get the single copy of Kati Jones or Professional Contacts. Mostly because if they trash that single copy it's quite a tragedy, I guess.

11 Dec 2013 PlutoNick

"Not so fond of Hostage, though, I still prefer to have more copies of the Resources"

But this can be a problem if you don't have enough influence. For example in this deck it's hard to fit more than one Prof.Contact....