Net Ready Null

TheMandersson 8

Pretty standard anarch good stuff. Get money, get rig, Hopefully put some pressure on while that's happening.

Mixed economy. Theoretically you don't need a ton of cash so I think it should be sufficient.

Inject is your primary card draw. Use Retrieval Run and Déjà Vu to get your rig back. Feels good to get a discount on a Yog.0 with Retrieval Run. You do end up clicking for cards a lot, so that's something that might need improving.

Net-Ready Eyes seems good in this. Break eli's with a card before Nfr has a chance to take off. Gets Mimic and Yog.0 into the 4 range without a card which can handle lotus field. Probably don't need 2 of it. Maybe switch it out for a Clone Chip.

Bhagat is good in faction HQ pressure.

Employee Strike seems like a good meta call with all the ctm, etf, etc.

Switch Corroder out for Nfr once it comes out.

Cards I'm not sure about. Plascrete Carapace - probably don't need two, but it can soak up your Net-Ready Eyes damage and protect against flatline.

Datasucker - So yea, its good with the fixed breakers, but with Net-Ready Eyes breakers are pretty high when they need to be, plus null's ability.

Comments/critique/ideas welcome.