The Spanish Influenza v3.2

Snake Eyes 4651

Bringing Yog.0, Mimic, and a 3rd Sneakdoor Beta back to The Spanish Influenza, and introducing Earthrise Hotel.

Yog.0 was just too good to ignore. In The Spanish Influenza 3.0, I wanted to shave some influence and take a generally well suggested card in Passport - but I found the restriction for centrals-only to be too rough for it, and I hated having to pay as much as I was to get through piddly little ICE like Yagura. Breach is a different story, since it's more of a backup breaker and not a primary (with the exception of against Blue Sun). A single Cerberus "Rex" H2 is in play just to deal with Lotus Field - which isn't incredibly popular in my local meta (if it were popular, I'd have 2 Cerberus "Rex" H2s). Mimic is for early game sentries, and Switchblade is for once you're developed and have the support cards necessary to run it. It is possible to be running both side-by-side, but odds are you'll want that available for viruses.

Trying out Earthrise Hotel in the latest version. Considering how aggressive with facechecking this deck likes to be, eating John Masanori tags is counter-intuitive - especially as the release of Order and Chaos grows nearer and everybody is going to be playing Weyland, and living in a relatively Scorch heavy meta makes it so that I don't want to voluntarily take tags left right and centre.

Playstyle: Pure HQ Aggression.

Reserve Ghost Runner credits for stealth breaks. Only 5 stealth support cards for killers here - so getting up to 2 Silencers out shouldn't be expected until midgame. Try to get Datasucker out early, it can alleviate some of the pressure on Silencers by reducing sentry strengths down to zero, meaning that Switchblade can get through for only one stealth each.

Laying down Lamprey the turn after Account Siphoning your opponent to zero is a brutal way of keeping them down - odds are that they'll purge immediately. Use turn build tempo, and wait until the following one to summon your back up Lamprey via Djinn. Odds are the corp will be spending their for 3 .. ready for you to hammer them again down to zero with the evil that Lamprey has to offer.

13 Jan 2015 x3r0h0ur

With the corp clicking for credits, gorman drip looks pretty good. Not sure where you slot it, but it can easily be better than SG. Djinn can even tutor it!

13 Jan 2015 Snake Eyes

Wow, that's a card that I hadn't even considered since when I made the initial archetype and was just looking up every virus available. I never really gave it a shot, but in thinking about it, yeah, it could be pretty fun to try out here!

Thanks for the comment - I'll have to give Gorman Drip v1 a shot sometime.

14 Jan 2015 sruman

Gorman drip is a neat idea, but the corp is already incentivized to purge, so how much money are you really going to get off it net (it does cost 1 and an action to pull money, so 5 things on it to make it worth a sure gamble). Although can do it from 0 creds and tutor it. Given that, not sure it's better than any card in list ( maybe dirty laundry? cutting shutdown/inside-job down to 1? same old thing?).