
Pinkwarrior 2351

The power of this deck comes from Hyperdriver been able to pull 3 breakers with Wu run centrals and still be able to Apocalypse after, gives the deck some real power and surprise value. Apoc also allows you to happily use your ID and not get your breakers removed.

Sneakdoor Beta can be pulled from the deck to make an Apoc/Noto turn easier, but can also be taken after an apoc to make the corp have to find more ICE to keep you out or to close a game when you know theirs agendas in HQ.

Multiple breakers give you more chance of been able to pull them from your deck, doubles up at been able to attack after an Apoc if they ICE up. On top of that you don't need to worry as much about losing them to your Wu ability.

Aesop's Pawnshop allows you to eat the face downs and Compile can get your breakers back into your deck, can also be used to attack centrals on an Apoc turn to save clicks and capitalising on a blank board state. Engolo & Sneakdoor Beta can mean you only need 1 program pulled from your deck to make the 3 runs and you can save the program on top.

Equivocation can be used to pressure R&D on it's own but also works nicely with Stargate to force your way through their deck for more card accesses. If theirs any cards in the list that can be swapped Equivocation would be the place to start. Maybe swap for Misdirection if you feel you need to remove alot of tags.

Beth Kilrain-Chang for more clicks works nicely with Peace in Our Time and lastly Notoriety for decks with only 5/3's plus if your already going to run centrals to apoc may as well get a point out of it on top.