[Startup] Startup Week: Umbrella Kit

Stwyde 31

Hi all,

Since content creators seem to be doing a lot of startup this week, and there's been a general lack of startup decks since the new banlist, I figured I'd post some startup brew that I've had just for funzies.

Note that these are all not particularly refined decks, but work as starting points for testing out some jank ideas that would work better in in Startup than in Standard. Flavor this deck to taste :)

This deck is similar to Lucy's Umbrella Ari seen on Wu Tube, but prefers to use Kit as the ID instead. The main tradeoff is that having Kit means I don't need to worry about finding Egret early once I have Umbrella on the board, instead any trojan will do.

The plan is to use Burner for disruption, Urban Art Vernissage and Spree to relocate trojans as required, and cataloguer + trick shot to get R&D multiaccess.

Earlier versions had Diesel in this deck, but honestly with LilyPAD and Umbrella providing draw, once I have the engine going, Diesel felt like overkill.

Looking at the deck, it's probably easy to swap Window of Opportunity for Ashen Epilogue to try to recur sprees / trickshots.