Blue Sun, Black Hole v4

Shockeh 751

Version 1 Changelog:

Disclaimer: Generated this deck because our local group decided to randomly generate one card per player they had to make a deck around. I rolled Space Camp, so here I go...

Initial Concept for maximising the use of Space Camp in Blue Sun as a variant on Shock!. Support from the Constellation ICE because it plays so nicely with Blue Sun, if I get to call any of it back to hand it's just easy money.

Wormhole and Susanoo-No-Mikoto are used to push Runners into Archives, which is where every Space Camp will be dumped as quickly as possible. Architect is purely a personal choice; I think it's a much stronger ICE than it's given credit for.

Usual obsession by me with using 3x wherever possible because of history with other card games (V:TES, mainly) being around making the smallest deck with the most repetition possible to ensure a reliable mechanism.

Purely a trial at this stage, as yet unplayed, and happy to receive feedback.

Version 2 Changelog:

Removed 1 Susanoo-No-Mikoto - Dummy, that card is Unique! Also, it gave me 3 Influence for Jackson Howard.

Removed 1 Orion - Just a smidge too much ICE, and made room for Economy.

Removed 3 Commercialization - Unlikely to get more tokens on any given ICE than I'd get from Beanstalks, which makes them more reliable.

Added 2 Shipment from Kaguya - Just a test; It was a toss-up between Shipment (Faster/Cheaper Constellation) or Amazon Industrial Zone (For Architect powered ICE installs)

// Author Note: I kept to Blue Sun because despite not being that useful for this deck as an ID none of the Weyland ID's actually make that much of a difference either, so even the potential gain from being able to Constellation Protocol some tokens off an ICE before Blue Sun munches it makes it worthwhile.

Version 3 Changelog:

Shuffled Agendas around, went from False Lead to Chronos Project as the Power Shutdowns were very useful to eat Icebreakers, and Chronos keeps them out of their grubby, recursive hands.

Version 4 Changelog:

Got to playtest this week; Actually won a match by locking out the Runner with the high STR ICE until I could murder his Icebreakers with Power Shutdowns. Realised I need more ways beyond Constellation Protocol to get the ICE tokens off and onto Agendas, so dropped Architect in favour of Trick of Light.

Oversight AI on Susanoo-No-Mikoto powering Wormholes is glorious. If they don't break your Susanoo on that turn, you Blue Sun munch it and use the credits to pay for it properly. Best bit? They can't get to the Susanoo often to break the Oversight because the Wormholes are in the way!