Criminal - Express Deck


Currently one of my best Runner decks. (Though I'm a bad Runner, so that's not saying much.) This deck is all about making at least a run per turn, if not more so, and stealing faster than the Corp can react.

The biggest thing with this deck is that it has two ways of playing, dependent on the console. If you use Desperado, then you play to the economic side of things, making runs that are more profitable to you, but are too costly for the corp, such as a Security Testing run on archives. If you use Doppelgänger, then you're aiming to run as much as you can and are relying on events for money. Either situation usually works out well and can vary depending on the situation.

The usual play for this deck is to throw down a Security Testing and declare it on a low/no protection server, such as Archives. If you have Doppelgänger, you can throw down two Security Testing and get both in a single click, which is nice. After making a run on Archives with Security Testing, I usually go for a run on HQ and R&D. With Doppelgänger and Early Bird, I can score up to all three Notoriety in a single turn. On top of that, if I feel that I need into a remote server, I'll use Inside Job and Running Interference to push my way through.

Account Siphon is always good early game, and is used in an effort to prevent corps from stashing too much burn creds. I always try to follow it up with Lawyer Up, if I have it. Otherwise, I just plan on clicking twice to get rid of the tags. Crash Space helps mitigate some of the cost, as well as provides a small amount of protection from Scorched Earths. Of course, if you get hit with Midseason Replacements and are still breathing, you can use Paper Tripping to attempt to clean things out.

In general though, the goal is to push in as fast as you can and grab everything before the big guns arrive. This worked really well in the past, but has been a bit harder against recent builds. In general, the goal is still to rush in faster, but protection has started to slow the deck down again, and Weyland can still force you to stop on occasion.