Apex, Recompiled

Bwob 755

This is my experimental Apex deck. The play pattern is fairly standard for Apex: pressure centrals and force them to rez ice protecting them. Run remotes and force them to rez ice to score anything. Then explode everything in a giant apocalypse.

Chop Bot 3000 and Reaver are the main card-draw engine. Ideally you want to get at least one of them out as early as possible, and use it to help find the other one.

After that, you just cycle through your deck as fast as you can, until you find the pieces you need. Anything you don't need gets installed face down, and fed to one of your many sacrifice effects.

Whenever there is a decent amount of stuff on the board, Apocalypse to reset it and repeat. (Ideally apocalypse on a turn where you think they're trying to score something, so you can fish it out of the archives later.)

Out of the Ashes is there to give an extra click on Apocalypse turns. Use it for either installing Eater before running ("Surprise, I CAN get into your centrals!") or making yourself safe afterwards. (Clearing the tag from Controlling the Message, or installing Heartbeat, etc.) Ideally, I'd have at least one extra Out of the Ashes, because they're really useful, but I haven't figured out what to cut. (Possibly an eater, but it's really useful to find them as early as possible.)

Rigged Results is a fantastic card for Apex. It's basically a cheaper-influence version of Inside Job, except you get to pick the ice that it skips. (And sometimes it randomly fails.) It's great for sniping agendas in remotes that people think are safe.

20 Dec 2016 dawspawn

This deck looks fun. Has Turing on a central been a problem? Seems like the only answer this deck has is either to click through and Prey or Rigged Results.

20 Dec 2016 Bwob

Honestly, haven't hit a single Turing or Swordsman since I started playing it. (Did hit an IP Block earlier, but was able to just Eater my way through it.)

But yes, that's my plan. Either click through + Prey, or Rigged Results if it's too far in. Rigged results has proven to be a fantastic way to get past troublesome ice that the corp thinks I can't get through, and has helped trigger several Apocalypses that the corp thought they were safe from.