Fear the Masses (Of Cards!) [Won one out of two casual games

nixxus 92

Money is Power.

This deck was born out of a desire to repeatedly hit a corp with Fear the Masses with all 6 copies available.

Naturally we need a decent handsize to hold all thoes cards, Theo helps with that.

If we're using theo, we may aswell put that handsize to good use, Faust would be fun but everyone knows faust is coming. So lets check what other cards use handsize: Ekomind. So now we have a metric ton of MU, so how can we abuse this? Sage, Overmind, Datafolding. With all this MU we can afford to throw some away on recursion to get back thoes mill cards, so lets grab trope. Next thing we know the deck has built itself and this awful monstrosity has hit the table.

Don't take this deck expecting to win a GNK, but it is fun to mill your opponents deck in 3 turns if you manage to get set up, and Don't be afraid to dugger's early to find thoes pieces.

I'm so sorry.