Quest for Cache

Circadia 2797

In testing.

24 Jun 2015 FarCryFromHuman

With the absurd capacity for single-turn econ in this deck coupled with your desire to make multiple runs on some turns, I wonder if Study Guide would be better than Gordian Blade? I think you'd get a lot more mileage out of it, especially when you want to be making R&D Interface runs once a turn or so in the late game. The credit disparity between the two is only 3 in Gordian Blade's favor and that gets swallowed up pretty fast.

As another point in its favor, Study Guide makes it 1 easier to install something else with a Hayley Kaplan proc.

If you can free up even one influence, a single Scheherazade can do a lot of additional work in the Cache + Aesop's + Hayley + Grimoire combo, but absolutely isn't required (you don't really care if you see it right away). It could free up some of your slots you are using for econ though, since its tutorable. I could see something like Chakana being pretty fun in those slots.