The Grail Is Yours*

DrunkenGineer 854

The premise is simple: a smaller deck size means the grail ice get to your hand faster, and a larger hand size means you can store more of them there without interfering with the rest of your play.

This a rush deck, not a fast advance deck. You want to make a scoring server and dare the runner to steal something. The power of the Grail ice is in being able to mix and match their effects: with a Galahad in hand, the Merlin or Lancelot you put in your scoring server becomes a punishing ETR ice. Then when the runner thinks he can get in, boost the Grail ice with Corporate Troubleshooter to trash his rig, grip, or both.

Fast Track gets you the agenda you want when you have a scoring window. Shipment from SanSan lets you go near broke protecting an agenda, only to score it next turn when the runner thinks you can't.

Testing is required to get the best ice mix, but I get the feeling that the influence spread won't change much.

*For a certain definition of "Yours" which may or may not include you.