All You Can Eat Buffet v2

jakodrako 1621

This is a new PPVP Kate brew that I'm testing. It struggles a bit with sentries, but it hasn't been a huge problem yet. The idea is to use Shaper Tricks to get Eater/Keyhole online as soon as possible, usually before turn 5. The Prepaid VoicePAD econ gets you going really fast and can last well into a long game, especially with a little boost form Armitage Codebusting while you're waiting for those events.

Living Without Accesses
There are a couple cards in here intended to synergize with an Eater-only rig besides Keyhole. Notoriety is supposed to reduce the threshold of agendas you need to chuck into Archives to win, but I've only gotten it off in one game so far, so it's probably not necessary. Singularity is for challenging remotes when all you have going is Eater, but eventually you can get a full rig up and actually access remotes (and with all the memory you can usually do this while still keeping Eater/Keyhole). Other cards I might experiment with Eater in this type of deck: Code Siphon (initial testing has been really poor) and Escher.

Possible Changes
So far, I generally find the following cards dead draws, so I would consider them the most flexible for future updates: Notoriety (as mentioned above), Test Run (especially late game), and Same Old Thing (you usually only need one Levy AR Lab Access and one Singularity).

The first version of this deck had Datasuckers in it to help with the Atman and to help keep the Keyhole runs cheap. I'd love to have them back, but I haven't decided yet if Singularity is worth it. I'm also worried about running out of econ and/or Clone Chips, so I'm considering -1 SOT +1 LARLA.