Au Revoir, Andromeda

Agnate 20

I'm a very new player, so please comment and give some feedback!


This is an Andromeda deck I threw together after seeing a fun combo between Snitch and Au Revoir. The deck puts a LOT of pressure on the Corp if you can get those two cards out in the first or second turn. Instead of clicking for credits, you can get paid to do some recon. Although 2 and 3 Au Revoir can be crazy, having 1 is all that's necessary.


Since you know what the ICE is, it is VERY hard for a Corp to sneak an Agenda through without you at least being aware of it. As a result, Agendas generally start to pile up in HQ. My goal is to put the pressure on as much as possible to let a few Agendas pile up. Just before the balance tips to Corp favour (or they get brave), drop down your HQ Interface(s) and try to drain Agendas from HQ.

You can use Inside Job and Forged Activation Orders to surgically remove those agendas from remotes as you'll know exactly which ICE they can and cannot afford to rez.

Demolition Run is there to destroy some Scorched Earth or Trick of Light combos if you find them when attacking HQ, so save it and use it wisely. I really want to have 2x of this, but I can't find the influence.

Icebreaker suite includes Corroder and Gordian Blade to be as efficient as possible while still having a reasonable install cost. For sentries, Femme Fatale + Faerie has been reasonable enough from my plays. Since you're able to see every piece of ICE, you shouldn't run into any surprises, so you should be able to use your Faeries wisely and use Femme Fatale as a backup. Your rig (once Box-E is out) should be: Corroder, Gordian Blade, Femme Fatale/Faerie, Snitch, 2x Au Revoir. Feel free to drop an Au Revoir if you encounter a sentry-heavy setup where you need both Femme Fatale and Faerie for protection.

Economy includes Kati Jones (to hold you through the early game and bank a bunch in the late game), Easy Mark for installing cards, and Au Revoir as the primary sources. Don't underestimate Au Revoir x3 as it can be pretty insane, especially if you get them out early. Daily Casts works very nicely with Au Revoir to have trickle economy. Net Celebrity is good for breaking Corp currents and also provides some per-run economy which is always appreciated. Account Siphon is there to delay the Corp more than it is for economy (especially since you have to waste clicks removing tags) and to help Agendas pile up in HQ.

For card draw, Mr. Li is invaluable. Being able to cull your draws without having to discard the other is extremely important.

Opening Hand

I will usually mulligan for a Snitch + Au Revoir and failing that I will take a Mr. Li and some icebreakers or Box-E.


  • A solid IT Department Corp can wreak havoc on this deck. Despite saving yourself some tragedies, it can be very hard to break into servers when it hits 5-6+ counters (which can happen with the slower trickle-econ here).
  • Fast-advance can be tricky if you can't find your breakers in time, which makes Mr. Li and Special Order very important. Use the Snitch pressure to minimize their scoring windows as much as possible.
  • With all the new Weyland decks, meat damage is a serious killer. Plascrete Carapace was added to help with that and having Box-E out with a full-hand can mitigate some of that fear, but it's there nonetheless. Try to Demolition Run the components of Scorched Earth if you see them.
  • Traps. Traps really hurt this deck, as even a few net damage can mess up your future plays. There is no recursion in this deck, so if you lose both of your Gordian Blades or Corroders you're hooped. Try to read your opponent as best as you can and be weary of running if you have key cards in your hand.
16 Mar 2015 Huafen

With andy draw and Special orders do you need 2 Gordians in your deck? You can free up some influence by going with Rex + Zu (will save 4 influence that can be used otherwise. Maybe recursion which you may need. Or R&D interface to lock out both servers.