MontNEHzuma's Revenge (MTGDeals Summer Tourney, San Gabriel)

yielderLNX 12

Montnehzuma's Revenge, also known as Traveler's Diarrhea. From Wikipedia:

'Traveler's diarrhea (TD) is the most common illness affecting travelers. An estimated 10 million people—20% to 50% of international [runners]—develop it annually. TD is defined as three or more unformed [agendas] in 24 hours passed by a [runner], commonly accompanied by abdominal cramps, nausea, and bloating.'

This deck took 1st place at MTGDeals in San Gabriel, California on 9/13/2014 within a field of 26 players, cards legal up to First Contact. It went undefeated on the day, notably almost-losing to Hades Shard in a Cache Noise deck. It also made many sick to their stomachs. A few key points:

  • Varied codegate ice strength to make Atman+Inti decks hurt
  • 1 Tollbooth almost always for R&D to make digging as expensive as possible. I think this is NEH's greatest weakness. The exception to this rule is facing likely Account Siphon recursion. Make 2x Eli or Inazuma->Eli your R&D tax in that case.
  • Against Shapers try to bluff an unrezzed Jackson as a PAD to protect against Indexing (happened once against PPVP Kate).

Standard Astrobiotics, but why 2 Inazuma?

Well, a few great reasons. It's a 3 cost ice that potentially runs them into a rototurret if they do not suspect you have enough credits to hurt them (say 7 or so). I happen to have won my 'grand finals' match with this combo on HQ, destroying his Mimic that the Andromeda had just special ordered.

It makes your Eli, already astounding, gain a third subroutine essentially: -> get code gate breaker and spend even more money.' Alongside the one Tollbooth, the two Inazumas also allow for you to achieve 'lockout' on all your centrals against fixed breaker + Datasucker rigs (particularly Andy).

In short, two Inazumas are beast and better than many other pieces of ice that make it into NEH decks. I used to include two lotus fields and an Ichi 1.0 instead. This became more 4-strength ice for Atman-at-4 to devour. Credits to mrroach for that in the tournament he won. His one Inazuma in his NEH deck inspired this deck exclusively.

  • First Contact tournament playtesting bonus

If there is even a possibility of the runner installing a Hades Shard form hand, ALWAYS proactively use your Jackson Howards on YOUR turn to recycle agendas. This way you get priority in the paid ability window. if you leave agendas in Archives 'safe' via Jackson Howard. Otherwise the runner CAN install Hades for 7 and instantly trash it to score whatever you left. This will become standard play for corps from now on, diminishing JayHo wasting clicks.