turtle team

mo0man 605

13 Sep 2015 sruman

Been testing with a similar deck ( more standard agenda suite a few more ice).

How are finding the diversified portfolios? Seems a bit superflous when I was playing with them since, if they let you keep your assets then you really don't need the money and if they don't then DP doesn't help that much.

Is the franchise city worth it given the fairly low trash cost and 1-of? Perhaps a 3rd san-san? How about the tech start-ups, do you think they might work better as marked accounts or pad campaigns? What are fetching most often with them? Turtlebacks or sponsorships on turns you will score? Not sure of timing, do you get a turtleback credit when you trash and install new asset? I'm guessing that counts as a new server.

13 Sep 2015 mo0man

@sruman This version Is a bit old: I agree 100% about the diversified, and this has been changed in the latest, where I switched them back to shipment from sansans for the extra clot hate.

The 2x city grid is a result of my only owning 2 cores. The Franchise city is an experiment. I had assumed that even if the runner goes in and trashes, I can always recur it with Sponsorship and just leave it there. If they trash, fine, if not that's fine too. I thought it would be okay given my abnormal agenda suite. In practise, it never fires really.

I love the tech startups. They do give the extra turtle credits. And sometimes that's enough when I'm running low to score something and trigger the combo, giving much more money.

They also give extra targets to install from archives earlier in the game when there isn't much in archives, or if the runner isn't trashing. Ive found runners trash it the first time, but don't bother going back if it's been recurred with Sponsorship. Normally I trigger them as soon as I'm able. If I don't have a turtlebacks, its for that. If I do its for the team sponsorship. Maybe I get a Jackson if it's noise, or a melange if I'm struggling

13 Sep 2015 sruman

The deck makes pretty solid cash by itself and the ice isn't that expensive. How are you finding explodapalooza over NAPD? Seems like you want to drain the runner or prevent the steal more than you want the 5 extra credits.