Sterlings Double Date at the Library

Jguth 1

Corp scores out an agenda or two to set you up with the London Library and Woman in the Red Dress and hopefully a couple Femme Fatale. Use the knowledge from woman to set up your runs using the intense drip economy.

11 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Rachel Beckman seems like too big of a hit to support via drip econ, but maybe I am underestimating the power of the resources. Even so, she's a dead card in hand until you have enough resources in play. I'd consider swapping her for Film Critic, which has a ton of synergy with Iain (and lets you slot New Angeles City Hall if tags start dominating the meta post-D&D).

3x Legwork might not be enough HQ multi-access. I'd consider some Same Old Things, which are also wonderful for stressing the corp's ICE installs via Inside Job.

11 Oct 2015 Jguth

Yeah Rachel can be expensive but the extra click allows for two Femmes to be installed on London library in a single turn, run, and returned to hand. My last game with the deck I was netting two dollars at beginning without drawing any data folding and only one contact, but with three shipping on the table and only clicking to clean them out when it was five deep I was swimming in cash. And getting through ice is cheap with the recurring Femme so you have extra money to spend.

I also considered same old things but once again clicks are your limiting resource with London Library. This deck is about getting the most out of those runs using Woman in the red dress.