I Don't Care, I'm Running!

pinkj 154

I love Jesminder. She's like an extra soft blanket to make you feel more cozy and secure. Tag 'n Bags just don't seem as scary. Snares with Feedback Filter don't make me as nervous now that I know I won't be tagged on top of the net damage.

Zona Sul Shipping is viable! Install and forget about it for a few turns while plowing through a Gutenberg on R&D with Maker's Eye.

Data Raven in front of QPD? Who cares! Run, break and take it.

The hardest decision for this deck was a decent Killer. I settled and I'm happy with Cloaks and Daggers with Ghost Runners.

With Pro Co, Public Sympathy and Astrolabe, you're rolling in econ and lots of options. Spent 12 creds on a run to just get to Adonis? Take those credits off Kati and/or Zona, play Maker's Eye with a couple of R&D Interfaces!

Surprise modded HQ Interface! Run and trash. Run and score! While the Corp is busy worrying about protecting R&D.

I love this deck. I'm not afraid of anything anymore. I feel like I always have a way in a server or a way out of a tough situation. No situation seems hopeless. Now that Jesminder is cozying up and comforting me.

23 Feb 2016 CowboyTintin

Haha! Nice review, Nice deck list... I've been having my own love affair with Jes, and I too had difficulty with the killer...

23 Feb 2016 Clockwork

Feedback filter, dagger/stealth, public sympathy, and Zona seem sorta questionable in this deck.

23 Feb 2016 pinkj

@Clockwork, Feedback Filter is there for PE or other net damage. This deck usually has enough econ to pay the net damage away.

Public Sympathy gives that extra layer of protection, more options on what to play, as well as extra Pro Co draws without discarding as much. I really don't understand why it isn't played that often, I really like it.

Zona is an install and forget resource. It comes in handy when you need those extra credits. Plus with Jesminder's ability, not as likely to be lost if you're careful.

Like I said in the description, I played around with a number of different killers. I wasn't too keen on having the extra bits just to break sentries, but I've grown fond of it. I usually have an SMC installed to get Cloak and the Ghost Runner creds can still get you out of a jam for the other breakers.

23 Feb 2016 LazyMcCrow

Hey pinkj,

Really enjoyed playing against this deck with my Take-Away Foodcoats. Jeminder had no problem getting in to my 4-deep centrals and scoring server, and won comfortably. I've played a couple of times with it, narrowly missing out to NEH FA and then comfortably beating a Blue Sun. This deck is by far the most relaxing time I've had running the Network and I'm going to stick with Jesminder a while longer with it. Cheers! Lazy

23 Feb 2016 pinkj

Cheers, @LazyMcCrow! Glad you're enjoying it.

23 Feb 2016 gammanet

another fun option is good ole Rachel Beckman however, the same weakness exists, yellow decks play an agenda they score from hand that trashes it :/

mimic and femme/atman often make for a good sentry breaker setup, why the doubles of your breakers instead of another smc, someclonechips or otherwise?

23 Feb 2016 pinkj

@gammanet, yes Rachel could be fun to play with!

On Mimic - Assassin is being played a lot and I wanted something to counter it easily.

On Femme - high cost on install and to boost. Bypass is fun, but breaking other high str sentries gets costly.

On Atman - Swordsman.

I mainly use SMC to fish Cloak or the needed breaker when encountering. No Clonechip just out of principle I guess. I wanted to play a deck with no MWL cards.

These are just the preferences I feel comfortable with. Whether other people who play it like it or not is really to taste. I tweaked this deck from the ground up, so I have a fondness to how to play it. And I don't netdeck at all.

23 Feb 2016 mawa

You're missing 2 influence that you could be using on Killers. How about Mongoose/GS Shrike M2?

I'd still recommend a couple Clone Chips over a second Corroder and go for the full 3x SMC - that means you can find all your breakers and recur them without spending the extra influence. You say you won't play it on principle, but all it does for you is save on influence that allows you to play fun stuff, like more Zona Sul Shipping. It's not like you're running Cerberus "Lady" H1, Parasite and D4v1d and have programs you want to recur again and again, which is the real reason why Clone Chip ended up on the MWL.

24 Feb 2016 CowboyTintin

Mongoose might be an interesting addition on top of the Stealth-Killer rig... And I have to agree with @RubbishyUsername on the Clone Chips: functional, no matter about the MWL...

24 Feb 2016 pinkj

All good points! Thanks for the input. :)

24 Feb 2016 LazyMcCrow

Would you drop anything for an artists colony? I guess Feedback Filter is similarly specific... I just missed not having one when going up against the News Team yellows.

25 Feb 2016 pinkj

@LazyMcCrow, the Zona maybe if you really feel the need? I haven't tried Artist Colony yet since I'm a little apprehensive to forfeiting agendas. I find having a Pro Co and Levy helps in having to making lots of draws for the specifics like Feedback or Plascrete.

News Team - the general precaution of not running on last click usually takes care of it. Avoid first tag, remove the second.

25 Feb 2016 LazyMcCrow

Yeah thats cool. I probably wouldnt ever burn real agendas - Artist Colony just puts those Shi Kyus and News Teams to good use when you play it. And if you're happy to take the News Teams as you go along then you can turn a losing position into a winning one simply by burning the News Teams for free. I'm tempted to just run at 46 cards as i wouldnt want to drop the zona ^^

25 Feb 2016 pinkj

@LazyMcCrow, yeah that could be helpful. I usually will take the -1 agenda if I have to and run on everything. The -1 doesn't do much if you can still steal most agendas. Hopefully anyway. :)

26 Feb 2016 pinkj

@RubbishyUsername, I took your advice, replaced a Dagger with Mongoose. It works quite well!