F*** IT - Lets Play a Lat Deck (EACC Top 17!)

Baa Ram Wu 2202

Me: Guys, I've got dinner reservation at 8pm, and round 7 doesn't start till 7.20pm! What do I do? I was expecting to drop by now but I'm currently in 7th! Whatever happens I can't play tomorrow as I have plans and 100% was not expecting to make the cut!

Bristol Metaverse: Just hope for a 241 and play for some sweet prize's

Me: True, That creative playmat for everyone in the top 16 would be a pretty sweet prize...

So this is the deck that got me to 17th in EACC!

Building the decks:

I had spent about a month building, practicing and tuning a Consume Loup deck and a very spicy Jemison Deck fro EACC... until at 10pm on the night of registration I lost all confidence in both and put my final lists together @ hour 0! (big thanks for Orbital for letting me register lists a couple of hours late!

Big thanks to The Drop Bear Lair for their help in testing - especially NBKelly, Vale, Bing, Sir Loathing, Xtreme and Jai!

Changes to Sokka's List

Obviously based on Sokka's ControLat deck I made some adjustments to help with ways people mignt be teching around Lat:

-1 Tapwrm, -1 Casts, -1 Paricia: I decided that the way to beat Lat certainly isn't to try and out money it, so these were my cuts to free up space & inf

+1 Imp: based off a throwaway comment from Sir Loathing when testing that stuck with me - I wanted better HQ pressure, and also had decided that PD could be a good counter and knocking a card out of a 6 size HQ to get a Lat draw is a thing. Its a great target for ITD and was key in many of my games (especially in getting rid of the seamless's PD had just recurred to force them to play fair netrunner!)

-1 Clip +1 Cleaver: I needed to shave an inf somewhere for Imp but also wanted a way to run through an Endless Eula once a turn without going broke. Cleaver is pretty great as long as you have a way to boost it's strength!

+1 Takobi: A favorite card of myself and at least 50% of the Drop Bear Lair - It meant I could play both Cleaver and Na'Not'ek and not feel bad (I'm usually an Ika player) and I had decided that a decent counter to Boat would be NEXT Activation Command (see my corp deck!) and so figured boosting real breaker strength could be a big thing! (this was important in 1 game and useful in 1 other)

+1 DZMZ: with slightly more programmes around I figured MU would get tight so added 1x

+1 SMC: A common choice for more recent lists, originally getting this idea from The King - Gives me extra Clot threat and access to breakers for NEXT AC turns!

Games on the Day:

Round 1: Win vs Shorty on Prav:

Always a pleasure to play against - and we always seem to get paired early in big tourneys which is lovely! Found out after the match that he mulligan'd into 4 agendas :\ Imp and Boat + cleaver to deal with the Eula on the Remote cleaned this one up.

Round 2: Loss vs Lost Geek on PE:

I Got paired against NWE's very scary PE list round 2 - Stargate showed me nothing but traps and spin dr's every turn once it was down. - This should have alerted me to the fact that most of the board was agendas but by then it was too late - Lostgeek scored out turn 13

Round 3: Loss vs Osclate on Anti Lat PD!

A very tight game where i missed out on some winning plays near the end of the game. with a card sat in the remote which I assumed could be a GFI i felt safe as I had imped and stargated 2 seamless and so I tunneled centrals, missing the fact Laura pulled back 2 seamless with a spin Dr and top decked a second one for the win.

Round 4: Win vs ReinaMorada on Anti Lat PD

I managed to put a lot of pressure on PD, keeping them around 0-4 credits and finally won with a Imped GFI into mad dash.

Round 5: Win vs SN00P1 on Sportsmetal

This was the most intense game all day - a 44 minute, 17 round battle. This was half a taxing remote, half a FA deck and it rinsed me for every credit and click I had. This final turn in particular put me in the tank for at least 5 mins trying to find the eventual winning line!

Round 6: 241 Corp Win Vs RTsa on Lat

Round 7: 241 Corp Loss Vs Cobrabubbles on Lat

As a deck builder and not a 'Netdecker' I was happy that my change had enough of an impact to feel happy i was playing my own spin on this deck - and I had a really great day - finishing way higher than i anticipated!

FWIW - I'm almost glad Cobrabubbles swept me in the last round as I would have finished on 4th but been unable to play on the Sunday (I don't usually plan on 'making the cut') so I'm glad someone who was able to play got through!

Thankyou to Nisei and the OP team for running such a great event. And thankyou to all my opponents - all of the games felt really fun to play win or lose!

8 Sep 2022 Shorty

Your changes to an already beast of an deck were super clever, this list feels very refined. You managed to iron out a lot of weak spots, Imp and Cleaver catched me cold! Gratz for the great showing all day, even if our round felt bit heartbreaking for me. Mull into 4 agendas and a Pop-Up? Hold my beer!

11 Sep 2022 gilesdavis

Great write up mate 🐨💚