Hot Tea PD (3-1 Nottingham CO)

Utati 149

I wanted to go for something pretty straightforward for my first CO after the new cards and I hadn't tried PD before so I went with it. I used the 2021 worlds PD as a base to work from and subbed out cards that are banned/rotated. The banning of cyberdex sandbox left a macrophage and CVS shaped hole in the deck that I could fill with M.I.C. and everyone's new favourite mug holder: Vovo!

Vovo is an absolute blast to use and lets you rez most of your ice for one or two credits. The flexibility that the end of turn move gives you is great for transitioning to defending centrals in the late game.

Round 1 vs TanukiD on Arissana (win)

This one I was able to get to a pretty stable boardstate with ice on most servers and two offworlds scored by the time the TanukiD was up and running. The game sort of snowballed from there.

Round 2 vs Tolaasin on Sable (loss)

I was completely locked out of this one by some great running from tolaasin. I wasn't able to get much econ going after a turn 1 rashida getting trashed and got doofed a few times for good measure.

Round 3 vs DanB on 419 (win)

I got crisium on hq early and DanB opted for a carmen over an aumakua from an early mutual favor. So I didn't get much pressure from the runner's side to let up on scoring.

Round 4 vs HarmonBee on Padma (win)

I was truly blessed by the R&D gods in this match, the last 3 agendas were at the bottom of the deck and Harmonbee was hammering centrals with wake implant and a loaded hyperbaric. The gap in agendas gave me just enough time to make R&D safe and my remote beefy enough to score out the turn I drew my last card. For future reference, to beat wake implant, the crisium grid goes on HQ and not R&D, like I tried in this match.