[Concept Deck] Central Abuse

x3r0h0ur 8956

I'm toying with this whole "central only" build. Testing to see how viable a heavy central attack can be, and then building in a basic remote attack later.

Idea here is to burst up lots of cash early and get the rig out fast while being able to draw into heavy burst later as well. HQ and R&D interfaces make sure runs are productive, and all the money makes it easy to hit frequently. Opus keeps the cash flow going into the long game if R&D just won't give it up.

Can't attack the remote, sure, but R&D lock should be easy, and if the corp overdraws, HQ interface and easy entrance will help pluck them out of HQ.

20 Mar 2014 DeMarko

I keep wanting to include Quest Completed in these Central-only builds, if only as a guard against getting all the agendas drawn/played out of the centrals. Unlikely? Maybe, but I feel it'll get more common once the central breakers hit.

That being said, I guess I might try to find space for another Inside Job instead of trying to shoe-horn Quest Completed into this. I'm pretty excited about the central-only breakers!