Post D&D Congress

daytodave 1224

Shrike is an amazing addition to this deck; it frees up rig space for Multithreader or Clot while preserving the deck thinning of Rabbit Hole. Discuss.

2 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I think Professional Contacts or at least Symmetrical Visage would be great here. I'm clicking for cards a lot during test draws.

Shrike owns, new best killer for shapers for sure.

I'd probably swap one Stimhack for another Multithreader, but that's a playstyle call more than anything else and this deck likely doesn't need the efficiency.

2 Oct 2015 daytodave

In my testing with previous Congress decks, Stimhack is critical to keep the corp from just scoring out while you set up. Also, the rig can only support the three breakers and 1 extra program while keeping DF online. Otherwise, I'm on board with as many Multithreaders as will fit in any shaper deck.

You're right about clicking for credits; and ProCo is both another outlet for for Career Fair and syner-gish with Bookmark. I'm just worried that corps are so fast right now. It's hard to cut QT.

Thanks for the feedback!

2 Oct 2015 daytodave

In my testing with previous Congress decks, Stimhack is critical to keep the corp from just scoring out while you set up. Also, the rig can only support the three breakers and 1 extra program while keeping DF online. Otherwise, I'm on board with as many Multithreaders as will fit in any shaper deck.

You're right about clicking for credits; and ProCo is both another outlet for for Career Fair and syner-gish with Bookmark. I'm just worried that corps are so fast right now. It's hard to cut QT.

Thanks for the feedback!

Deleted and re-commented to add:

Holy heck ProCo is good. I once calculated that if you can get 2 for a , Quality Time is equivalent to using Professional Contacts, with the differences that ProCo takes and 5 to set up, but lasts forever. Thus, if you think click it more that 15 times, ProCo wins on pure efficiency, nevermind its obvious synergy with Career Fair and less obvious synergy with Bookmark. This deck will absolutely hit ProCo more than 15 times.

With the extra money from that version, it's conceivable to cut Modded for 1x Astrolabe and 1x Akamatsu Mem Chip, freeing up memory for more Multithreaders, a Net Shield, or a Paricia until the current Team Sponsorship FA meta cools down. I'd favor one of the last two because I don't like to cut Clot and feel we can't cut Stimhack, but that's very much a personal preference/meta call.