The ICE never bothered me anyway

elbi 1

A deck I played several months ago at a local tournament. Worked reasonably well (50% and I'm not good player?), and was loads of fun. Recently de-dusted and others wanted the list, so here we go.

What do? Pick 1 of 3:

1) Blackmail recursion until you win the game. Ideal against Always-Advance decks.

2) ALL the MU, then Overmind recursion. Necessary if corp rezzes ICE outside of runs, or if you made a mistake. Throw in some Emergency Shutdowns, especially against Blue Sun. If they decide to Oversight AI that delicious Curtain Wall on a remote. Install Overmind, run HQ, Emergency Shutdown the Wall, then grab the Agenda either with a Blackmail (if they could rez again) or as is. Fun!

3) Play or recur Journalism until the corp has 3+ Bad Pub, then call in your Protesters. Clot if the corps tries a quick score to get their hand size back, or play them again next turn. With a hand size of 0-2 cards, corps have a hard time protecting both centrals and remotes, AND make money, AND install agendas. Exploit as hard and long as possible. Once Archives are juicy, install Hades Shard for 7c and grab your victory.

Problems? Oh yes. This sucks against Fast Advance, NEH in particular. R&D lock is hard/impossible, as you'll run out of Overmind tokens at some point. Butchershop is affected by hand denial reasonably well, but setup takes time (Journalism + Protesters + Deja Vu + maybe Same Olds). If they're lucky, you ain't. On the other hand, you've got 3 Had Worses and 3 Plascretes, so chances are, there's SOME protection, so might as well treat it like regular NEH... which is another problem. Yay.

Improvements? Oh yes. Many. By now, I think the deck desperately needs 1+ Corroder (Wrap Around) and a Yog (if Turing is a thing you encounter). Pancakes and Wyldside sounds like a lovely combination, replacing Injects and making I've Had Worses less of a draw engine, more protection. I've also heard Street Peddler is a thing. You've got several situation dependent resources and hardware, but also 50% events, so... I wouldn't gamble, yet if that's your thing, go nuts!

3 Clots? NEVER REMOVE ANY CLOT. That makes you an asshole, and you don't wanna be an asshole. Force corps to slot those multiple Virus Suites!

Inject? You've got ~10% program density, making Inject either a Diesel (3 for 0c) or better (4 for 1c). Also you want Clots in the bin anyway, so it's even better.

Deep Red? Cheaper MemStrips for Overmind Tokens, giving 3 for 2c instead of 3 for 3c.