Stealth Kit (for feedback)

PlunkRock 12

I've been playing Kit pretty much solidly since I started playing Netrunner at the start of this year, after trying a few different decks out (Paintbrush et al) I started hitting my stride using the econ and breaker suite in Seamus' Stealth Kit

I took a very similar deck to a Glasgow store champs and ended up playing the man himself! I won 3 of 4 games with it (the loss was some of the fastest FA I've seen) but still placed pretty miserably due to some big mistakes with my corp deck (notably forgetting to pack key cards)

Keen to up my game, I stripped silver bullets from the deck on the advice in TheBigBoy's articles which helped me learn a lot. Life got in the way of Netrunner for a while and I couldn't get many games in and Regionals (which I had been encouraged to sign up for by a friend) was fast approaching. Figuring that I'm best going with what I know, I dropped a Lockpick for a Plascrete (got to have one safety blanket) and here we are!

Regionals was a great experience, I was a bit worried about being too much of a noob but played some great games against some really nice folk. Ended up coming 12th which was a bit of a surprise, as I got early wins that placed me with some really experienced guys. If anyone is reading this and wondering if it's too soon to go for Store Champs and the like, I heartily recommend just going for it.

Anyway, nothing new here, just posting for some feedback :)

24 May 2016 Seamus

Hey mate. Nice one on your success with good old Kit!

I must say I'm jealous of a lot of the elements of your deck that my paranoia about certain match ups has had me lose to make room for meta tech. How much did you miss Clot or have trouble with Caprice?

Considering Turning Wheel once it comes out?

Hopefully get a chance for another Kit vs Kit match-up at the next event!

25 May 2016 PlunkRock

Yeah, I didn't intend it but I think not knowing the meta very well might have helped me out a bit.

Clot was missed, I was considering swapping out Lucky Find for it right up until the day, but LF working off 3 credits is often a big shift and I hadn't had much practice with Clot anyway. Definitely could have done with it at a couple of points though.

Hit Caprice a couple of times, but managed to win the psi-games. I had considered Political Operative but rather foolishly dismissed it thinking 'I'll never have the cash to derez a SanSan City Grid' - completely neglecting Caprice and Batty, might work that in for future.

I am super pumped about The Turning Wheel, probably my most anticipated card of the cycle. The influence cost means it'll probably be a one-off in the deck, but can't wait to try it out!

Cheers for taking the time to comment!

27 May 2016 Korror

I think Clot is a necessity in the current meta unless you know for sure that you won't be facing fast advance. If you can afford to cut it, I'd think about using the influence for political operative.

Your deck is really close to the established stealth kit archetype that's been hashed out on the Stimhack forums so I'm just going to suggest a few cards to consider if you haven't already. Personal workshop works really well with the double stimhack and gives you additional drip econ. Film Critic if you expect to see any jinteki as they'll be running future perfect for sure. A single copy of indexing can also be great if you're going up against IG or any deck packing snares. Operative is also a good include if you can afford the influence.

I'd also think about going -1 cloak +1 lockpick. IMHO, never cut the lockpicks, they're the best cards in your deck. You only have MU for 2 cloaks anyway in your max rig so the 3rd will be wasted if you draw through your deck.

One thing I go back and forth on is whether to go Baby/Kati or Professional Contacts. Both have their upsides, though I think you want Baby if you need to be more aggressive early or if there's archangels or snatch and grab floating around. Otherwise, I like proco if I can afford the tempo hit.

27 May 2016 PlunkRock

@Korror Thanks for the comment!

I was playing around with my deck last night trying to work in The Turning Wheel and have covered a couple of these.

I have stuck in Clot, Political Operative and Film Critic. I have tried Personal Workshop before and often couldn't get it at the right time (most of the stuff is cheap to install anyway, only the R&D Interface really causes me issue) and I hadn't considered Indexing, luckily I've not had to deal with much IG.

You're dead on about Lockpick, cutting that instead of Cloak was a mistake.

I'm going to try Symmetrical Visage and Kati Jones out for a bit, even if just to get some practice without relying on ProCo. I used to run Kati and I really like her, so it's good to have that back at least.