Lazy Boyfriend 1.1 (now with +1 credit)

theboycobra 64

Strategy - maximizing the extreme efficiency of SEVEN recurring credits per turn, paired with the speed of inject+heap breakers and parasite. You know the drill, take your orange cards and smash them into the corporation!

UPDATE: It occurred to me, that in my blindness to abuse PPVP, that the amount of credits on ALL Deuces Wilds combined, is still fewer than the credits on a single Temujin. That was my first edit. In fact, A similar argument could be made about the Lucky Finds, but I prefer to have the flexibility of both cards rather than overly relying on Temujin to credit up. 1 Temujin is nimble and relevant at all stages of the game.

1 knifed was added, because Eli is back and I still am not seeing a ton of dangerous sentries being played. Still, it could be a forked as you see fit.

Mimic replaces MKUltra because it's a garbage breaker, paying 6-9 for many small sentries that Mimic handles better. Slight gamble that you won't inject them both, but not a major issue.

1 Cyberfeeder makes installing my viruses and using my horrendous Black Orchestra a little cheaper. I experimented with 2x cyberfeeders belt felt it was too hard to use all my recurring credits every turn. Hence, cutting back down to 1.

Bumped up to 3x datasuckers. This was for 2 reasons: first, I wanted 1-2 more programs to make my injects more reliable. Ideally, I should getting a couple cards and a couple credits out of it. I was getting 3-4 draws too often and usually, that results in pitching cards. I also felt that I wasn't finding my datasuckers early enough or regularly enough to be tremendously useful.

19 Apr 2017 Krams

I don't get it. Maybe I'm just dumb, but how are you getting 7 ?

3 PPVP + 1 Cyberfeeder + 3 ???
What am I missing?

19 Apr 2017 theboycobra


19 Apr 2017 Krams

How could I overlook that? :D
I feel dumb now!
Thanks for answering ;)